Part of the Plan ~ Drew Dirksen

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[This one is for @ilovecutehotboys because the wait has been soooo long]

You took one last look at the pregnancy test in your hand, and you felt confused. 

You no longer questioned that it was a lie, or a mistake. You'd immediately disposed of the first one, but then you took more. There was no way four tests in a row could be lying to you. But the upsetting part was, you and Drew thought you were being careful. So would he believe you when you told him it was his?

Part of your heart sank at the thought of the thing in your stomach. You didn't put it there on purpose, and it had a good chance of ruining your perfect relationship with Drew. Not everyone was willing to face a responsibility like this. Besides, you were young! You wanted to live. You thought that maybe an abortion would do, but you quickly turned away from the suggestion, disgusted. Even Drew would never want that. 

Besides, the better side of your heart was fluttering under the weight of your worry. This could be great, too! You wondered what kind of a mother you'd be. A good one, you hoped. Maybe Drew would love the idea. Oh, he'd be an excellent father! And what if the baby looked like him? What if the little person gained his blonde hair, his big pretty eyes...?

You stopped your daydreaming before it could go too far. You were being foolish. Why would Drew like this idea? Hell, if he wanted a kid, he wouldn't have bothered with the condoms in the first place, now would he?

As much as you hated it, you couldn't stop the negative thoughts and questions--oh, so many questions--from creeping in. 

You decided that you needed a Plan B. You threw an empty suitcase on the bed and slipped your phone out of your pocket. You were close with your mother and trusted her with everything you had, so she was the first number you called.

"Hello?" Your mother's voice answered.

"Hey. Mom, I have to tell you something. I'm scared, and I don't know if Drew will let me stay at his place for a while."

"Why? Holly, what's wrong? Why is Drew scaring you?" There was the mother you knew. Never afraid to get the facts and protect you.

"Drew isn't what's scaring me, mom. It's what I have to tell him that scares me."

Silence. She was waiting for you to spit it out.

"He got me pregnant, mom. It was an accident! We were using protection and...what if he kicks me out? Or runs away from me forever?" Your voice shook as a tear rolled, unwanted, down your cheek. You wondered if Drew would wipe it away, or even if your mother would, if one of them were here.

"Oh, Holly," Your mom said sympathetically into the phone. "Are you willing to be responsible for a child?"

"Yes, but that's not what this is about!" You whined. "This is about Drew."

Your mom's voice was still soft, but now there was something hard under it that reminded you of childhood, when she would scold you.

"Listen up. You didn't do anything wrong, and neither did that baby. Drew is a man in a younger man's body. I think he'll take the responsibility just fine. But if he runs away like a boy, you come straight here to me and let me handle it, okay? My girl isn't gonna be alone."

Relief swept over you. That's what you wanted to hear. 

You heard the front door open and close, and the relief was short lived.

"Yes mom, I have to go. Love you."

You quickly grabbed the pregnancy test from off the bed and slid it in your pocket, then pretended to be busy, stuffing clothes into the suitcase.

Your heart jumped into your throat when the bedroom door opened, and Drew saw you preparing to leave.

"Baby, what's going on?" Drew sounded more confused than hurt, but the more he saw, the more the hurt sank in.

"I'm not leaving," you blurted stupidly, in an attempt to comfort him.

He nodded, looking skeptically at your suitcase. "What's this for, then?"

You took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. "It's just in case." You answered truthfully. Then you slipped the test out of your pocket and handed it to him. "You know what that means, right?"

He just looked at it. The suspense made your heart beat so fast you thought something was going seriously wrong inside your body.

"You're pranking me, right?" His voice sounded a little defensive. "You've never been a good actor, and you didn't pick a very good prank, either, because there's no way this is true."

"I'm not pranking you!" You yelled, a little too forceful. "You thought you were being careful! And now...!" You sighed. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound like I'm blaming you. It's not your fault."

You sat on the edge of the bed, head in your hands. After a pause, Drew sat next to you. 

"You're really being serious?" His voice was soft now.

Another tear freed itself from the corner of your eye. You nodded, not looking at him.

Drew nodded, too. "'s mine? You're sure?"

"I'm not a slut, Drew," you snapped at him. 

"Hey hey, calm down. It's okay. It's all going to be fine." He pulled you onto his lap and circled his arms around you, cradling you like a child. 

"You're not leaving?" You squeaked.

"Of course not." He dismissed the question like it was nonsense.

"Why do you sound so sure of everything?" You asked. Maybe it was easier to be the man in this situation, after all. 

Drew let out a short laugh. "I'm not sure of anything right now, baby. But I know that we've got close to nine months to figure it all out. Together." He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and motioned for you to stand up. "But first, help me put this suitcase away, princess. You're not going anywhere."

[Ouuucccchhh my heart is oh my god]

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