Confessions *SMUT* ~ Drew Dirksen

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Hey Tiders! This one is for @harrythebear

Your head tilted back and your hair flowed around your shoulders as you found yoursef laughing at Drew yet again. He was telling a story about his day, using wild hand motions as he sat on the couch across from you, with you sitting in an armchair. Something about your best friend made him seem different, like he glowed with something that no one else had. Energy, maybe.

"You're too much Drew, my stomach hurts from laughing too hard," you smiled, sighing and fishing a bottle out of your purse. 

Drew's eyes widened. "Is that liquor, Jesy?"

You took the lid off the bottle with ease and threw it in his lap. "You know I always bring the party, Dirksen. You can't tell me you've never had a drink before." You eyed him while you started mixing the drink with your soda. 

Drew straightened his spine and puffed his chest. "Of course I have. Share, if you know what's good for you."

You laughed and generously poured into his soda, too. "See if you and your ego can take that," you said. You knew Drew was a little vain. He scoffed while you took a swig straight from the bottle. The liquid left burning, tingling trails down your throat.

Suprisingly, Drew finished the first drink with ease. "More?" He asked with a grin. Too lazy to go to the kitchen and get the soda, you poured the liquor straight in his glass. "Give that a try, Dirksen, and no chasing it." You grinned devilishly. 

Drew shrugged and took a swig. You watched him wince as the liquid turned him to fire.

You had no idea that Drew got so talkative when he was drunk. "...the first time I was ever drunk, I was at Nate's house. He always supplies the illegal stuff, for some reason. But anyways, we were playing on the Xbox, and I ran off with his keys when he was changing the settings. He totally chased me down faster than I thought a drunk person could, and a faceplanted in his hallway." Drew laughed with you at the memory. "Yep, right on my face."

You opened your purse again, and Drew smirked. "Got weed too, Jesy?" He made a grab for the bag. 

You held it out of his reach and smacked his hand away. "What? God no, Dirksen! I've never put any of that nasty stuff in my lungs. Even the smell is horrible. I was looking for my compact mirror."

Drew paused, eyes distant with memory. "I smoked weed once, with Nate and Levi. Austin said no. Can you imagine him with a joint, anyway? I'm surprised Levi said yes so easily. I coughed so hard, I convinced myself it wasn't worth it to do it again. And you're right, it does smell pretty bad."

You laughed, studying your reflection in the miniature mirror before sliding back and your purse and putting it on the floor. 

"You know, you really are beautiful, Jesy. Green eyes. Do you know how unique that is? It's one of the most uncommon eye colors..." Drew trailed off, giving a childish smile.

"Was that a pickup line, Dirksen? You're even more drunk than I thought." You replied.

"I am not," he sounded defensive. "I'm telling you the truth, Jesy. You're beautiful. I want you."

You looked down, too self conscious to meet his eyes. "Sometimes I think I want you too Drew, but everyone tells me I only want what I can't have, so I don't really know anymore, I guess."

When you looked at Drew, his eyes were practically sparkling with lust. "Who said you couldn't have me?" His hands found your wrists and pulled you towards him on the couch. He helped to straddle him and began leaving warm, soft kisses down the skin of your neck. When he got to your collarbone, he left a small love bite. "Can I get one, too?" He asked hopefully, like a child. "I want everyone to know that I...we did this."

He was so beautiful. His muscles under his shirt were defined, his hair was soft and styled the way it always was, and his eyes were big and hopeful. His lips...

You could feel how hard he was underneath you. You put your lips to his ear and whispered that he shouldn't get too ahead of himself. Then you left a love bite just under his ear, blowing on it and making him give a low, submissive whimper.

He slipped your shirt off, slowly, and moaned at what he saw. The took your breasts into his hands and began kissing the exposed skin, running his fingers down your back to gently touch your ass.

You gasped and he took the moment to gently push his tounge into your mouth, still groping you as your mouths moved in sync. You moaned for the first time that night, his lips were so soft, it felt like you were kissing silk. 

You hid yourself as Drew's hands got braver, shying away from him. "Drew..." You said self consciously. 

"No, Jesy, don't do that," he sighed into your ear. "You're so beautiful... Haven't I told you that already? Gorgeous, baby." He moved your arms away and unhooked your bra, sending it to the floor. 

You got on your knees in front of him and began kissing the tight jeans over his thigh, putting your hands on his knees. Your lips were moving higher, until he was carefully pulling you back up. "I wouldn't make you do that," he whispered, laying you down. He slipped his shirt and pants off, leaving him in his boxers as he glided over you. He slipped his knee in between your thighs as his tounge teased yours. His kisses were long and slow, you could tell he wanted to pleasure you. It was working.

"Drew," you said heavily. "Please, do something, fuck."

Drew nodded silently and began moving down. As he removed your pants and underwear, he began to look uncertain. "I've only done this once or twice..."

You wanted to say something, but you were too transfixed by the way he began kissing your clit, sending bolts of sensation through you. You whimpered as he progressed, his tounge lapping at your folds. "More," was all you could manage. He began applying more pressure as he licked your entrance, biting your nub softly. You were soaked for him and he knew it. He went back to licking hard and slow, agonizingly slow, while you squirmed underneath him. The look in his eyes was so raw it made you want to look away. He was pure sex right now, not at all the 6th grade boy you used to ride bikes with.

"Drew, I'm close," you whined, wanting him to go faster. 

He nodded and pushed one slim finger into you, so slow you wanted to scream. He continued licking as another finger followed and he began pumping his fingers.

A string of profane language left your mouth as the friction between Drew's fingers and your heat became too much. You tightened around him and closed your eyes as pure ecstacy washed over you. You were dizzy for a second. 

Eventually, Drew shut you up with his kisses. He was lined up with you, breathing hard. "I probably won't last long," he whimpered, licking his fingers and moaning at the taste. 

You nodded, and he pushed into you. The pain made you gasp, digging your nails into his biceps. Drew looked you in the eyes. "Jesy? Look at me. Do you want me to stop?" For a minute, you saw the Drew that bought you ice cream and asked if you were okay when you fell. The Drew who carried your stuff and never let your heart get broken. And all this time, you thought he was just a friend? You shook your head no. 

Drew took a deep breath and began thrusting. You immediately felt the pain start to wear away, and Drew continued to shove himself in and out of you. He moaned your name into your neck like he'd forgotten everything else, and maybe he had. 

You said his name, too. You couldn't help but moan, he was so good at what he did. Because he'd done it before. With who...?

He twitched inside of you just as that familiar feeling was building in your stomach. "Fuck, Jesy I'm gonna lose it. I can't wait," he panted as he thrusted sloppily. 

You couldn't either. As you both rode out your climaxes, you didn't think your back touched the couch once. 

Drew pulled out of you and buried his face into your chest. "Jesy, please tell me this wasn't  a one night stand."

"Never." You answered immediately.

Drew chuckled. "The first time I got drunk, I fell on my face. The second time? I slept with my best friend." He rolled his eyes and put his arms around you, nuzzling into your neck and reminding you that you were safe.

Hope you liked, Tiders! Sorry about the editing issues. Requests are still open!

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