Beautiful ~ Drew Dirksen

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[This one is for illegallydirksen and you should go follow her because she knows more about The Tide than I do lol. Enjoy!]

"Do I look okay?" You asked your best friend, frantically trying to fix your hair. You were wearing black skinny jeans and a white crop top that had a cute denim jacket to go with it. You kept your makeup and accessories simple, you didn't want to seem too flashy. 

"You look fine," your friend reassured you, peering at you over the screen of her laptop. "Drew's gonna be lovestruck."

Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. You'd been totally checking him out for nearly six months, and when he finally talked to you, your world rocked. You'd suggested that maybe you two should try and talk somewhere outside of your college, so he slipped you his number and asked you out on a date...this date! 

A knock on your door nearly made you jump out of your skin. 

"Ohmygosh, that's probably Drew!" Your friend whisper-yelled. "Shh, I'm not here!" Was all she said before diving to hide behind the couch. 

You jogged to open the door and saw that it was, indeed, Drew Dirksen on the other side. He wore his usual white tank top, black skinnies, and Vans. Sunglasses covered his eyes, and he took them off to see you better as he stepped inside. 

"Wow, you look good," Drew laughed, putting his hands in his back pockets. 

"Thanks," you blushed, looking down at your sandals. 

"No I mean, like really, you look...good," Drew frowned at his words, as if he wasn't happy with them.

"Smooth," the couch hissed. 

"Well, you never told me where we were going..." you smiled, hoping he'd take the hint. 

He did. "Follow me," he smiled, gesturing to his black truck. He had a handsome smile. 

You allowed him to open the door to the passenger seat for you, even though you always said that you could do it yourself. 

The whole car ride, he wouldn't tell you where you were going, just smiled at you when you asked him to give you a hint.

"Fine, one hint," he finally gave in. "It's beautiful, that's all I'm saying."

A few minutes later, he was parked in the sand on a beach, the sun nearly setting. He took his shoes and socks off, and you followed his lead, walking barefoot to the shore. 

He plopped down into the dry sand, setting his feet into the wet sand as the water lapped at his toes. You stood, watching, studying the planes of his face and the beauty of the landscape around him. How his presence seemed to make the landscape more beautiful. If you could draw, you'd draw this right here, and it would be beautiful. 

"Join me?" Drew snapped you out of your thoughts for the second time tonight as he looked up at you with that smile. 

"I don't want to get sandy," you couldn't help but laugh at how girly that sounded. 

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen," Drew smirked, gently pulling you down onto his lap. His breath tickled your neck and you felt the warmth of his chest against your back. He laid his hands over yours, seemingly lost in thought. You, on the other hand, felt like your sensation of reality had been blasted up to 100. You were aware of everything. His hands, his body, his lips, the waves, the breeze...everything seemed perfect. 

"Isn't it wonderful?" Drew asked. He seemed to be looking out at the ocean, but you couldn't tell where his eyes were behind his sunglasses. 

"Beautiful," you said dreamily. "Thank you for taking me, really. I know it seems weird, but even though I've lived here almost my whole life, I've only been here once."

"Really?" Drew asked, seeming suprised.

"Yeah, with my dad and my grandma. I was seven. I just remember that I wouldn't go in the water because I was scared of what lived underneath the surface. I was a pretty paranoid kid," you added as a joke. 

"No, I think that's cute. I come here nearly every day, around this time. It's so calming to me, it really helps me think and free my mind. Which I usually need to do on a regular basis," he told you candidly. "So your dad...?"

You shook your head softly before he could ask any questions about a father who stopped being a father a long time ago. He nodded as if he understood and wrapped his arms around you, making you feel safe. 

"Beautiful," he mumbled in your ear after a few moments of silence. 

"What?" You asked.

"Back at the house. When I said you looked good, I meant to say you looked beautiful," he said sincerely, giving you one light kiss under the ear. 

A shiver lit up the blush on your cheeks as you squeezed his hand, unable to find any words except "Thank you,"

"Don't thank me," he mumbled, shifting. "You want to know my favorite part about coming here?" You nodded. "Then follow me, again," he smiled.

He helped you both stand, and after he brushed the majority of sand off of himself, he led you to the bed of his truck, where there was a picnic basket, two candles, and an acoustic guitar that looked pretty aged. "That's my baby," he announced, lifting himself into the bed and pulling you up after him. 

You both ate the fruits and chocolates he'd packed while you talked about music. Drew was talking about what music meant to him when he pulled you back in between his legs. "Do you know how to play?" He asked, his breath stirring your hair. 

"Only a little," you shrugged truthfully. He set the guitar on your lap and put his arms around you to strum a few lazy chords. 

"You know, I want to pursue music," Drew said, gazing down at his fingers. "Think of how amazing it would be..."

"Do you write?" You asked curiously. You loved musicians.

"I have this one song, it's called Click My Fingers..." and he began to sing and play.


"Home again," you sighed, feeling exhausted. But you knew that it would take you quite some time to fall asleep now.

Drew smiled at you and hopped out of the car, walking over to open yours again. He walked you up to your front door, lips in a perfect smile. 

"We should do something like that again." He suggested, leaning in to hug you.

You hugged him tightly and agreed, feeling weightless.

He kissed you softly on the cheek and gave you a small wave before heading back to his vehicle. "Good night, beautiful."

[Omg feels I hope you liked it x]

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