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We've all got secrets. Some, not that bad.... but others, well.... lets say that some secrets were just simply never meant to be told, never meant to be expressed, never meant to enter this world of greed and power.

Those are the secrets that we keep pushed deep down inside where no one will ever find them....Or maybe so we will never have to face who we truely are. These are the secrets that make us doubt ourselves, doubt our humanity.

Now, you may not think my secret is so bad, but neither did I. Not at first. It was all just an interest of sorts, to know more and get it over with; a simple spark of curiosity.

That curiosity turned into a hunger, a desire to find the answers to the questions I possessed in my unwavering, chaotic thoughts.

The more I learned, the more I wanted. It was an addiction that soon drove me to the edge of Insanity.

But it was a he. And he twisted my words, played mind games with me aimlessly. I couldn't resist but to just go along, for he was a genius. Insane maybe, but perhaps instead, he was..... misunderstood.

All it was, was a simple interest to know more.

Then, everything changed... And after that, my life ended.... fallen apart in the blink of an eye. But what I came to understand, was that my life had just begun.

For the first time, I was actually alive.

It's been a long while since then. And I just have to ask..

Have you ever been in love? In real love? The kind of love that makes you go insane.

Mad love.

That's what we have, Mistah J and I.

There was this one time in my life, where we were standing above these giant boiling pools of liquid. He looked me in the eyes and asked me if I would die for him.

I told him I would. Yes.

" No, no, no. That's too easy... Would you, live for me?"

I followed his every movement with my eyes. My heart felt like it might've burst open into a million pieces right then and there and my stomach fluttered with anticipation. I would do anything for the Joker. I loved him. He was my King.

So I said yes.

I stood at the edge of the cement cliff, right above the boiling pools of green liquid. I faced him as I stood there, and I smiled.

He smiled back. I knew from the moment we'd stepped in there... What it was he wanted me to do.

I couldn't swim, but that was okay. I closed my eyes and let myself fall back, feeling the air embrace my body in slow motion as if I weighed nothing at all.

This was it, and it was all for him. I broke the surface of the liquid and began to sink to the bottom. But I didn't struggle.

I thought of all the times we'd spent together. Some people think I'm crazy, but they've never been in love with the Joker. They've never been loved by the Joker before. I felt free, like the world was ours for the taking.

As I had begun to blackout, I could feel a disturbance in the pool, a strong force pulling me up. Was I dead already?

I could feel the weight of the liquid falling off my body and I opened my eyes, gasping for air. It was Mistah J!

He'd come back for me! He'd saved me.

We both grinned and I giggled as he leaned in to kiss me.

So there we were, covered in green liquid, the red and blue colors of our love swirling out to surround us.

I knew with every inch of my being, that he loved me like I loved him. That he was my King, and I was his Queen. Quite the pair, huh?

Mad love is what it was. The best kind of love in fact.

I knew I was his forever.

Daddy's little monster.

Daddy's Little MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now