Chapter 1

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"So you're tellin me," He raised his brow,"That after all this time, of me being SO generous with MY time, you couldn't find him? You... Couldn't.. Find him?"

The ends of his lips tilted into an upside down smile as I could tell he was grindin his teeth togetha.

Mistah J sat behind his desk, his hands neatly folded. I, on the other hand sat on the edge, swinging my legs back and forth, playfully... Like a child without a care in the world. I licked my lips and shifted my body weight to my left hand on the desk.

What a perfect day.

I smiled and tilted my head. I was always happy as long as I was with my Puddin'! And I knew what was comin. Poor fella' didn't have a chance!

"S-sir-" he cleared his throat," I swear we was doin everything we could! Your Dark Night isn't exactly easy to c-catch! P-please, one more week? We know you offer the best of the best sir. Just t-try to understand?"

He was a crier. I was sure of it, he was gonna break any minute. A coward he was! And my, Mistah J was no fool. He didn't tolerate any such thing.

I turned my head as Mistah J, my one and only, got up and out of his chair. He slid over top of his desk to the other side and stood hovering over this lousy excuse for a man!

But my Mistah J smiled, and walked around behind the guy, putting his hands on his shoulders.

"Are you sweet talkin' me?" He leaned in close to his ear to whispa,"All'a that chitchat's gonna getcha hurt!" His deep, raspy voice sent shivers right into my heart.

The man closed his eyes and a single tear fell down his cheek.

Ding! Ding! Ding!
We have us a winner folks!

Mistah J laughed, and I giggled as I turned and layed flat on my stomach across his desk going through one of his draws. Looking for his gun.

He whistled.

"Come on Harls! We're gonna be late for Date Night!"

I grabbed the gun and sat up so fast, I could feel my head spinnin, and my heart beating fasta.

"Date Night!" I tossed my Puddin' his gun and hopped off his desk, grabbin my jacket off the coat hanga and puttin it on.

I stepped up to my sweets and he turned his head towards mine. Laughing and giggling, we both leaned in for a long and smooth kiss. Always like the first, I thought.

"Don't be too long Sweets! I'll be on the car!"

I walked out the door and as I took my Pigtails out, I could hear the begging and pleading of the man. What a loser! My Puddin' would NEVER beg no one for nothin!


It was lights out for him.

I looked towards the stairs and I looked towards the elevator. Deciding which one I should go for. It was dark and creepy in here for sure.

I scanned my surroundings. Water dripped from the ceiling, lights flickered on and off, and after that gun shot..... It had become dead silent. This abandoned warehouse was no welcome party to strangers. Some say its even haunted.

I headed for the elevator, pressin the button and waitin patiently. Date night was always my favorite! I pulled out a piece of gum and slowly put it in my mouth as I looked around,  wide-eyed, throwin the wrapper somewhere in the distance.

I could clearly make out its soft, crinkled landing.

Eventually the elevator doors opened and I hopped inside, giggling and thinkin up the night. I quickly pressed the button, eager to get on with Date Night.

I looked up at the elevator ceiling, it was all just one big mirror. It was a nice elevator, but the music was kinda slow and depressing. Guess if this was gonna be our new hide out we'd have to fix that!

Down I went until on the second floor, the elevator stopped. Maybe it was my Puddin'!

My heart fluttered, and the doors opened.

"Heyyy," I frowned and tilted my head,"You're not Mistah J!"

A man in a black hoody and black pants, (too much BLACK if you ask me!) stood blocking my way. No one was gonna block my way!

I pouted and stepped forward,"Heya Mistah, would you mind movin outta the way! Tonight's Date Night!"

He didn't move, and he didn't speak. Was he deaf?! I took anotha step closer and tapped on his shoulder, my face in a twist of confusion.

"Mistah? Are you ok?"

Before I could even react, he headbutted me! I gasped and fell back a couple steps into the elevator, holding my nose, my everything spinnin and blurrin.

Now I was pissed. But I laughed it off and smiled.

"You did not wanna do that Mistah!" I shook my head and grinned.

I pulled out my pistol fast and aimed it right at his forehead, not that I could see it properly, and pulled the trigger. Stupid man. I shook my head and smirked.

His body fell backwards and hit the cement ground hard, the sound echoing off the walls. A foolish man too. I scrunched my hair and licked my lips, steppin over his body in my highheels like he was nothing but a used piece of gum; litter on the streets. I squatted down over his face.

"Do not, mess, with Date Night. Eva." Boop! I tapped his nose flirtatiously.

I smiled and continued walking, bobbing my head, goin down the last flight of stairs. I hopped off the final step and headed for the car, so excited I felt like I could do anything!

Then two hands grabbed my shoulders from behind, and a bag was placed over my head. I dropped my gun somewhere in the process.

Quickly I bent down and jabbed the guy behind me in his thigh artery with my elbow. But I realized he wasn't just one guy.

He backed away and I took the bag off my head. There were a lot of guys. All of them were dead men.

I spit out my gum and as one of the men approached me from the front, one tried to grabbed me from behind again and I quickly used the guy behind me's balance to lift my legs up and wrap them around the neck of the man in front of me.

I brought my knees forward hard as I could and dropped down letting the two men's heads collide with each other.

"Do not! Jeopardize! Date Night!"

I dove on the floor for the pistol and a hand grabbed my left ankle, another man kicking my gun away.

I  flipped myself on my back and kicked the guy, who had my left ankle, in the face with my right highheel. I quickly got up and very violently slammed my elbow into the side of his face.

Three down, 5 more to go!... from the looks of it anyhow.

I fought and fought, but they were all on me at once, from every direction. I screamed for the Joker, but I really only hoped that he had gotten away before they could grab him too.

Another bag was placed over my head, and as I struggled, I could hear a vehicle driving up fast! Its wheels echoing all throughout the parking garage.


But boy was I wrong. A long needle was Jabbed into the side of my arm and I screamed in pain. I could hear the car come to a screechin hault.

"Owch! Hey watch- hey..." Slowly and more gradually I was unable to continue struggling. But it wasn't me. They were doing something to me! I was then roughly tossed into the back of a vehicle. The car I'd heard was their get away van!

Barely able to even lift my head. My breathing became shallow, and all I could think, was that now we wouldn't be able to have our date night!

I could feel a man tying up my hands and legs.

"You're all- screwed....!" Were the last three words I could manage before I began to pass out. I heard the man laughing, mocking me.

"You are a whole lotta crazy and a whole lotta pretty, woman!"

And that, was that.

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