Chapter 7

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"The Dealers Bar" (Sorta)

It wasn't a long ways down, but boy did it hurt. I moaned briefly in pain as we hit the dumpsters. Everything was happening all at once.

I looked up to see men looking down at us through the broken window. I could feel cuts all over my body from the glass surrounding me. It burned.

Suddenly I was yanked off the dumpster and was on my feet and running within the minute.
I saw where we were heading.

About only ten paces ahead was a motorcycle. It was a Harley too, and a nice one. Quickly Connor hopped onto it and I was dragged with him. He revved up his motor cycle in time to see several men coming out the back doors by the dumpsters we'd just fallen upon.

"Hey! You two, stop!" I saw the man who'd been spewing all the commands. He had a thick Russian accent and looked about mid 40s, black and gray bushy hair, an expensive looking gray suit.

Who was he? And what did he want? We didn't wait to find out. I wrapped my arms around Connors's mid section, hanging on for dear life as he sped away.

"Sarah! Whatever you do, do NOT let go!" I couldn't hear anything over the wind and the sound of his engine roaring.

"What!?"He took a sharp left turn.

"Do NOT LET GO!" I was fairly certain he was telling me to not let go, so I only held on tighter.

It wasn't long before several SUV's were piling up behind us, getting closer by the second. I could only wonder what they would do if they caught us. They didn't seem the type to be reasoned with. I took another caustious glance behind in time to see one of their vehicles pulling up beside us.

"Does this thing go any faster!?" I turned my head forward to see us coming towards a main intersection, only about 5 blocks away, and the light was red.

"Just, trust me!" Trust? Look where that had gotten me so far! My eyes faced back towards the SUV to the right of us, as the drivers window started to roll down.

My eyes widened. In the passenger seat was someone holding a VERY big gun and pointing it at us, while the driver was telling us to pull over with a smaller gun of his own. They were both wearing party masks? I turned my head and looked behind me, and then to the left. We were surrounded on all sides except the front.
Now we'd have to pull over.

Yet here we were, coming to the red light, but Connor didn't slow down. He only sped up.

"Remember what I told you!?" he yelled.

"About what?!" He truly was the craziest person I'd ever met.

"Don't let go!" What was he doing! Was he trying to kill us!

But then I saw what he was thinking. To the left of the intersection was a giant semi high off the ground. Carrying a giant tank of cement and surrounded at the front and back by construction cones. The whole right side of the left turn we were about to make was blocked off.

And now that I knew what he was going to try and attempt, I wished I hadn't. We'd either be grinded to the bone by the road, or crash at the moment the motorcycle slid sideways on the ground.

I'd only ever remembered knowing something like that happening in a movie. In a MOVIE. No, he wasn't risking my life unless I knew I'd live.

But what could I do to stop him? I wasn't sure he could be reasoned with either.

"Connor! You have to pull over!"

"Have you lost your mind?!"


"To hell with that!" He revved his engine some more and continued. That is... until a sudden gun shot went off.

The Harley flipped and I, with it. I hit the ground hard and rolled uncontrollably several times until I was on my back, my arms spread out. I couldn't move a muscle, but I could feel every bone in my body screaming in pain. I was in pain.

My eyes were wide open. At least 6 black SUV's had created a big circle around us. Crowds of people beggining to emerge, gasping and yelling about themselves.

What was left of the motor cycle lied in the middle of the circle, bits and pieces scattered everywhere, smoke filling the air. They'd shot one of the tires. They knew what he had planned to do. Shit.

On the other side of the circle to the far right was a body. Face down and still. I tried to speak, to at least whisper his name but it was becoming harder to breathe.
It felt like fire in my lungs with every inhale, and knives in my chest with every exhale, my throat dry as dust. My vision soon became blurred as two men in black suits and dark shaded glasses were approaching me.

Just kill me now. Was what I was thinking.

All I knew, was that whatever pain I was feeling now. I had a feeling they could do a lot worse.

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