Chapter 2

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Colors swirled through my mind as I swayed back and forth. I couldn't concentrate, and I couldn't think. At least not clearly.

They must've done something to me for sure. I could feel my heart beating in slow motion, and I could hear my shallow breathing. Inhaling and exhaling through my nose. It was as if somehow my hearing had been amplified.

I couldn't tell whether I was blindfolded, if the lights were off, or if I simply couldn't open my eyes. Because I couldn't see a damn thing.

In fact, where the hell was I? Was I dead? Is this what hell felt like?

Cold, dark, and confusing. I tried to struggle, to even move just a little. But it seemed impossible. I couldn't even scream! Not that anyone worth screaming for would hear me.

So instead, I tried listening. I quit focusing on myself and concentrated as best I could. There had to be something. Anything. A vent, a door, a faucet dripping, something?

I listened all right, but all I could hear was an eerie, high-pitched buzzing sound. Must be a light on somewhere, or somthing. Which meant that maybe I was blindfolded. Or maybe I was just hearing things.

Suddenly I was jerked in an upward motion and picked up, only to be carried in someone's arms probably to somewhere more horrible than this.

I pretended to be asleep, but soon I could feel a tingling in my body, in my hands, and in my legs. It was wearing off, whatever it was. But that didn't mean I was strong enough to fight back.

Along with the feeling in my body, came the feeling of ropes tied all around me, everywhere. And I was most definitely blindfolded, that was for sure. But I had no gag in my mouth which gave me a very small advantage.

It's the little things in life that count right?

I felt more arms grab me and set me down in some sort of metal chair....... something didn't feel right.

My ropes were being cut off and untied, which could only mean that they had something worse to keep me straight.

But, no worries, because they'd just finished untying me.

Were they this careless, thinking I was asleep? I licked my lips and smiled.

"Hey boys? I know you're busy and all, but could you do a girl a favor and untie my blindfold too?"

I felt the room freeze. They were caught off gaurd and for a split second, had no idea what to do. So I did it for them.

Quickly I took off my blind fold and saw right away that it really was only two men. I knew I wasn't strong enough to fight off both of them, but I at least had to act the part right?

I sighed heavily, "Why must a girl do everything herself?"

I looked over and next to my chair was a small table full of needles and knives. Could they have made this any more easy! It's like they wanted me to escape!

I grabbed a needle and jabbed it into the guy's neck who was closest to me. The other guy ran for the door. I picked up the trey on the table and let all the knives and needles fall to the floor.

As I came behind him I realized it wasn't the door he had been going for. A loud alarm echoed off the walls and I was sure I didn't have long to make my escape.


"Hey Mister!" The guy very quickly turned around and I wacked him so hard with the trey, I wouldn't be surprised if he lost a couple of teeth.

I dropped the trey and went for the door, pulling and twisting with all my strength. But it was no use.

I looked around for the keys, and found something I wasn't expecting. A hand, I needed his hand print to get out! His right hand. That seemed easy enough, but I still hadn't quite gained all my strength back and knew I wouldn't be able to lift him.

I quickly walked over to the chair where scattered knives and needles layed on the floor. I picked up the biggest butcher knife I could find and walked over to the man by the door.

I held his right arm out on the floor and readied the knife, almost like how you'd ready a golf club before striking the ball. At the same moment I looked away, I striked down hard. I felt his warm blood splatter across my face and my neck.

Unfortunately I hadn't quite succeeded. It took a few more swings before the task at hand was successful.. heheh.

I looked backed down and grabbed his hand, putting it against the scanner on the wall. The door buzzed and clicked and I immediately opened it and was gone before you could blink and open your eyes.

As I ran through the halls, dark but illuminated by red light from the alarms, I kept wondering what was going to happen once I left.

In fact, where was I gonna go? I thought hard, thinking and digging in the back of my mind. I think there was someone I was supposed to meet up with before they took me here...... but who? I couldn't remember.

I couldn't remember anything. I stopped running to catch my breathe, and possibly hurl. I couldn't even remember my..... first name....?

My breathes suddenly became short and shallow, my heart was beating dangerously fast. I was shaking and cold sweat ran down my forehead. Was I cold? Or in shock? Maybe both.

I began to run again, stumbling a couple times in the process and  trying to push all of my fears and confusion from my mind, but as soon as I turned a corner, I ran right into someone and fell back.

My head hit the ground but I was still concious, if you could call it that. I thought who ever this was might kill me, this was it. But he just stared at me, in the strangest of ways too. Maybe I was supposed to know him?

"M-mister are you gonna kill me?" I struggled to move. I couldn't. He simply smiled and laughed, his perfect, porcelain, white teeth shining, and his bright blue eyes hidden behind his glasses, full of joy. At a time like this? He was mocking me?

Was this a nightmare?

"Don't you know who I am?" He became serious,"It's me. John. But come on we have to hurry and get out of here before they come!"

He picked me up and held me in his arms, I didn't have the energy to resist anyhow. John? Was he the one I was supposed to go out with?

As I tried to stay away awake, I could just make out a name on the card hanging from his suit pocket. My head fell back and I closed my eyes. But out of all the things I'd forgotten, I was sure I knew this man, because his name seemed so oddly farmiliar.

Dr. Jonathan Crane.

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