Chapter 3

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I squinted to the sun's bright and warm light, fluttering fluttering my eyes open. How long had I been out?
It was so still in this room. Just so still.

I looked around mindlessly, hardly a clue as to where I was or how I'd gotten here. But I wasn't scared... Just extremely confused.

I looked around my room, a hospital room? Something of the sorts. Except there was a dresser with a mirror, and my bed had layers upon layers of soft, warm blankets and covers. Deflating balloons, decaying flowers, and a variety of stuffed animals stood in the corner of the room closest to the window, on a foldable table.

I must've been here a while...

The air smelled of Lavender, and as I got out of bed to look out the window, I could see that I was high up, several stories from the ground.

I felt, happy for some reason, but anxious at the same time. Everything was going to be ok. I turned around, and jumped back a bit, startled by a knock on the door.

"Sarah? Are you there?"

Sarah? Who was Sarah?

But they didn't give me time to answer. The door opened and there stood a man, black hair slicked back to perfection. Bright blue shining eyes, and sparkling white teeth. On his tag said "Dr. Jonathan Crane".

Why did he seem so familiar?.....

And then there I was, barely breathing, my body aching, heart racing. And he was running, carrying me in his arms. Sweat trickling down his forehead.

I remembered now! He had saved me.... But from what? I looked up at him hesitantly, still confused. But he smiled such a warm smile, that I was able to relax, if just a little.

"Sarah, do you remember what happened?" He took a step forward, shutting the door behind him.

"Am I in a hospital?" I asked, avoiding his question.

"What gave it away?" he laughed carelessly as he pushed his glassed up, so innocently, clutching a clipboard.

"I uh- I remember you, carrying me. I was badly injured. I'm fairly certain you saved me," I blushed," and I remember," I said awkwardly,"we were supposed to go on a date.... I think?"

I could tell that his eyes were getting watery, glistening in the sunlight. Had he been my lover before I forgot? Did it pain him to see me in a state of such ignorance? Or were his eyes just simply sparkling as a result of reflection?

"But that's all I remember." I looked down, sad and disappointed that I couldn't know more. He sat down in a chair next to the door, up against the wall.

"Well, lets start with why you're here." He smiled,"We were, on our way to the movies. It was date night." he paused... Almost as if observing my reaction.

"But a drunk driver swerved around the corner out of no where. You flew out of the windshield and onto the road. You were barely awake, but conscious as I came and got you." A single tear caressed his cheek,"Thank God we were right next to a hospital."

His story was convincing. I figured I had no choice but to believe it since I had no recollection of anything myself, except the small part I'd told him. It all added up smoothly.

I decided he must be telling the truth, I finally and fully relaxed. And he must've noticed to because he took a deep breath. Satisfied it seemed.

I wondered, was I always so questioning of everything in my head. It felt like another me was controlling my thinking. Like unwanted, analyzing thoughts that weren't mine.

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