Chapter 6

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Jokers P.O.V.

I sat in the meeting room, at the head of the table.

Waiting silently.

And alone.

I compulsively turned my head to the right and parted my lips, raising my hand to speak. Almost forgetting that she wasn't there.

I lowered my hand and frowned, giving a low growl. If even one hair on her head was out of place when I found her, every person involved would be burned alive in everlasting flames, while their families watched.

I quickly came back into focus when the doors opened and the meeting room was full. Connor gave me a nod and shut the door, standing guard in front of it. He was my right hand man. I trusted him more than myself sometimes.

I leaned back and smiled as they stood nervously, awaiting my orders.

"Please! Come, sit down! We have much to discuss gentle-men."

The Mob.

I didn't trust them one bit. But if there was one thing they worked well with, it was money. All I had to do was wave it around in their faces and they'd be lost in a trance. Hell, they'd probably roll over if I told them to.

I tapped my chin and narrowed my eyes, observing them. No.... They would be just fine. There was no need to waist MY men and their time doing this job unless I thought we absolutely needed to.

I spun my chair around quickly to face the wall and stood up, walking over to my liquor cabinet. I took out my 20 year red wine and began to pour some in a wine glass.

"Excuse me? Uh- Joker sir? Are you gonna keep us waitin around all day, or are we gonna get down to business!?" some of the other men grunted and spoke under their breathes in agreement.

They were foolish.

I stopped pouring and opened the bottom drawer, pulling out a gun. I quickly turned around and with no hesitation, shot the first guy I saw in the back of the head, not even knowing if it was him who'd spoken out.

Now I definitely had everyones attention. The room was dead silent and I smiled as I blew the smoke from my gun and took a sip of my wine, setting the gun down and sighing.

"I prefer eh- Mistah J, gentlemen. Did anyone else have something to say? I've got plenty-a-rounds for show!" I raised my brow and sat back down with a satisfying sigh, one that had a rough edge to it.

"So, I've got a uh- proposition for you all. As you can see, my dollface isn't here. She's missing. I don't know who took her, but I want information," I looked at my watch,"And I want you to find Harley Quinn." I tilted my head,"Any questions? Concerns?"

"Hey wait a minute, what's in it for us? What do we get outta this?" I turned my head in the direction of the man who spoke, it was the same voice from earlier.

He had a dark gray suit on, with a thick Russian accent. His gray bushy hair gelled back, he leaned in his chair in such a way as if he were mocking me simply by sitting down. He wasn't scared of me at all. He held a smug grin on his face. I had a feeling he would be the one to find her. So I'd excuse his ego and let him live.... For now.

I took a sip of wine and took a deep breath.

"Glad you asked! Here's the deal. Whoever brings me information on her whereabouts, or who took her, will get paid $100,000. Who ever finds her, will receive 1.2 million dollars. And if you all simply fail to find her or obtain useful information that leads to her finding, you die. If you withhold information and try to blackmail me with it, you die. And if you try to escape from completing your task, you die. So, you either help me find her, or you die. The moneys your motivation. Meeting dismissed!"

I laughed to myself as they immediately began to talk amongst theirselves. I was, of course, a man of my word. They would get their money, but that didn't mean they would live to spend it. They weren't worth the speck of dirt on the bottom of my shoes.

I finished my wine and stood up, walking towards the door as Connor was opening it. I leaned in to talk in a low voice to him.

"Supply them would yah. And get someone to clean up the mess,"I nodded my head in the direction of the guy I'd just killed in cold blood,"Thanks Connor."

I walked down the stairs and into the bar area, heading out the back where a limo would be waiting for me. I sighed and put on my hood and shades. These morons had better be worth it.

I tried to hide the discomfort, but the pain of not having her, was almost unbearable. She was.... She completed me. Harley Quinn was the only women I'd ever loved, and would ever love till the day I died. And that day, I believed, would never come. Our love kept my life eternal.

I'm comin for yah Harls, I'm commin.

I'd like to congratulate the next set of winners for discovering the hidden meaning for what the passcode to the phone is, and also apologize for not updating sooner!

Thank you all for reading my book and I would hope that you continue to do so! I'll be sure to update more often! Thank you all! And tell me what you think about this chapter in the comments!


Congratulations guys! If I forgot to add you please let me know! And if you think you know it, tell me what it is in pm and ill add you in the next chapter.

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