Chapter 5

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I walked. Walked. And walked for a long while. Hell if I knew where I was supposed to go. I'd been right all along hadn't I.

It was all a lie. The only thing that I couldn't take my mind off of, was the phone. It was completely empty of anything at all, but somehow I'd guessed the passcode.

It just didn't add up, how did I know to type in those exact numbers? How did John know to use that particular password? Unless this wasn't a lie.... And it just happens to be coincidence that I lost my memory, and he happens to be an expert on the subject.

I mean, if I had gotten into an accident... My previous phone probably would've been destroyed and I would've gotten a new one right? Which means it wouldn't have had any information on it...

I stopped and sighed heavily, my head was pounding. I was frustrated, tired, and felt like screaming. What the hell was I doing? What was I thinking!?

I took a deep breath and turned my head, standing to my left was a Bar.

"The Dealer's Casino"

I bit my bottom lip and stood there a moment. Kind of cheesy but It was open, and I needed to get all of this nonsense off my mind.

Cautiously I walked inside. The lights were dim, and different colors. Fancy jazz music played, and people sat in groups all around, mummering, smoking, and playing poker. And I have to say, for such a nice bar, it wasn't crowded at all.

I continued to walk closer in until suddenly a hand grabbed my arm. For a minute my vision became blurry and in an instance I was in a parking garage. Men were surrounding me everywhere, one grabbing my arm. I turned around and kicked him square in the face. Readying myself for the rest of them.

"Hey! Lady knock it off!"

Then, someone was shaking me. I was in a bar again, and everyone was staring at me. There was no longer music and I could here people whispering and gasping.

With frightened eyes I looked at the man who was gripping my shoulders. He had beautiful blue green eyes, and his jaw line was strong. His hair longish and black.

He scrunched his face and lifted his brow in confusion. I wasn't sure which one of us was more dumbfounded. He finally let go of me and I took a couple steps back.

Behind the man layed another. A big built and heavy set security guard. Flat on his back with a bloody nose, and a shoe print across his face.

I looked back at the man, a little scared. He turned towards the people scattered across the casino.

"Alright there's nothing to see here people! Go about your business or get out!" At that, the music came back on and everyone turned their heads back to what they were doing, simply as though nothing had happened at all.

He quickly wrapped his arm around me and led me upstairs, to a whole 'nother floor, but one that looked more like an expensive flat. For meetings?

In the middle of the room was a giant round table with chairs. Couches, a coffee table, and a giant flat screen to the right. A desk and a crazy amount of computer screens and papers and whatnot to my left. In the very back of the room was a kitchen and along the walls around the room, were random doors.

I hesitated to speak but felt more comfortable in doing so now.

"D-did I do that? To that man I mean?" I followed this mysterious man to the couches and we each sat down across the coffee table from eachother.

I wondered if we were even allowed to be here. What if the owner came in and saw us? Hell, the owner probably lived up here!

He nodded his head,"Not the craziest thing to happen in this bar." He grinned and leaned back.

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