Chapter 4

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My eyes curiously wandered the lobby of the police station, as I walked up to the front desk. It wasn't the friendliest atmosphere, but it was definitely a familiar one. Maybe I was a police officer before? Or somethin like that!

I smiled as I reached the desk. The women however, did not looked pleased at all. In fact she couldn't have looked any worse than she did.

"Can I hel-p you?" She asked, and in the most unenthusiastic voice!

"Y-yes actually. I would like to uh," it was hard to think of a way to put this,"I would like to report- no..... I think I'm missing? But I'm not me, so I wanted to know if I could access or you could update me on all the missing persons cases?" I hoped that that hadn't sounded as crazy as I thought it did,"Preferably the ones in the past two weeks? Please?"

For about a minute she stared at me, with the absolute most expressionless face. Then she smiled, which now I wish she hadn't.

"Give me a moment sweetheart, you can go take a seat over there." She nodded her head toward the three chairs that sat against the wall by the entrance. I slowly turned and headed over to find a seat, but I could hear her talking through her radio.

"Yes uh- is Jim there? We've got another-," then she began to talk quieter, in a voice I couldn't hear,"- yes thank you, and could you bring me a coffee?- will do! Thanks Greg!"

I finally took a seat on one of the hard blue chairs and let out a sigh. I wasn't crazy..... I wasn't- right? Oh who was I kidding. I had no idea who I was! And that would drive anyone insane.

Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

Time passed slowly, but eventually half an hour went by and I was about fed up with waiting. I got up and walked back over to the front desk, more than a little irritated.

"Excuse me? Police lady? Yeah, I've been waiting here for a while and frantically I don't even KNOW why I'm waiting? And I walked all the way over here FROM the hospital to figure out who I am! And that is not a short distance! So if you have information regarding-"

Then someone interrupted, cleared their throat real loud.
I turned my head to see a police officer with a clipboard and a brief case. Young and thin he was.

"Miss? Are you the women waiting for the missing persons reports?"

I nodded my head and backed away from the desk.

"Then right this way ma'am!" He smiled and lead the way while I followed. FINALLY. We walked down a couple of hallways and around some corners before we made it to a room. He lead me inside and I saw that it was just a small office room. Smaller than a bedroom. With a desk, an office chair, and two hard chairs in front of the desk.

Wasn't very welcoming, but it was something. The police officer offered me to take a seat and left the room. HOPEFULLY I didn't have to wait another half hour. And at that moment, a knock on the door.

I turned my head and in walked yet another police men. But his outfit was different. And he was older. His features worn and exhausted.

His hair a bushy mixture of gray and brown strands. He had a small mustache and wore glasses. He seemed welcoming enough.

He smiled and walked past me taking a seat behind the desk. I crossed my legs and folded my arms, what the hell had I gotten myself into.

"What's your name Ma'am?" He took out a notepad and a pen.

"My names Sarah, but-" I cut myself short and took a deep breath," Just uh- just Sarah. I don't know my last name.

He began to jot a couple things down before looking back at me with a confused and curious look, silently eager to know more. He also took a deep breathe.

"Well, Sarah- my names Gordan. I work as commissioner of the official Gotham City Police Department. Uhm- I understand that you think your missing?" His last few words fell off his lips hesitantly. He too probably thought I was crazy.

"Yes, that's correct." He began to jot things down again.

"Could you tell me why? How?" I licked my lips and shifted uncomfortably. Whether I told the whole story or gave it to him short, it still wouldn't prove that I'd been kidnapped or given a fake alias. That anything, other than my mental status, was questionable.

I stayed silent and tried to think of a way to prove it. I tapped my chin and he cleared his throat, snapping me back into reality.

"Sarah? Can you tell me why you think your missing?" I sighed.

"Sir- uh Gordan is it? It's not that simple. I'm not just "missing". I'm not me. I'm being set up. I- I mean, I sound crazy and I know I can't prove it to you. But the life I woke up with today, isn't my own. You have to believe me. I could tell you everything that's happened today, but I promise you it won't help. I- "I rubbed my forehead and looked up at him almost pleading," I just need to see your missing persons reports from the last two weeks."

I knew that if I had been kidnapped from my previous life and thrown into this one, there was bound to be someone missing me. The real me. Gordan scratched the back of his head.

"Well Sarah, it's not that simple from my side either. Paperwork has to filed, signatures, approvals. You can't even give me your last name. But uh-" He leaned forward and talked a little quieter," I would recommend you see Dr. Jonathan Crane. He owns all of Gothams Mental Asylums. But that's not why you should see him. I heard down at the station on 12th Street that he's been working on memory loss and retrieval." He leaned back and looked down at some paperwork on his desk.

Dr. Jonathan Crane.

"If that's all Ma'am, then we'll contact you later, let you know if anything pops up. Have a nice day!"

I took that as my cue to leave. I walked out but took one last glance behind me before the door shut. The same young police officer was standing against the wall waiting to escort me back to the main lobby. We walked in silence.

I couldn't believe I hadn't seen this before. It was him wasn't it. He can make people remember again. But what the public didn't know, was that he could also take those memories away.

Did that mean he could also place in false memories? Or maybe even alter them?

Maybe it wasn't the car accident after all. No, it was an experiment. And my guess is, it worked. I had no memory of any life before this morning and after the "accident". The real question was........Who was I?

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