Chapter 8

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"Harley.. Harley... Harley......" I could sense him circling around me as if he were a predator, and I were his prey. I tried following him with my eyes.

He only smiled.

But who he was, I wasn't sure. I couldn't see his face.... Only that cruel and satisfied grin that never broke even.

"What're you gonna do? You gonna kill me Mistah J?" By this point I was positive I was dreaming. This couldn't be real. It wasn't.

He stepped forward with his blurry and unclear face, holding strange but similar objects in each hand. He stood over me and I realized I was laying down.

"Oh I'm not gonna kill yah! I'm jest gonna hurt cha! Really- really bad!" He readied his alien objects.

"Oh yeah? Well, I can take it." A leather belt was put in my mouth to numb the pain and keep me from screaming.

I took a deep breathe just as he put them to the sides of my head. Then.... Nothingness.


I woke up screaming. I tried to sit up but realized I was strapped down. My chest heaved up and down, everything was blurry and the lights above were blinding.

I soon forgot my dream as I closed my eyes and the thoughts from god knows when began flooding back into view.....

The Bar.... The men chasing us... The motorcycle crashing... Connor....


I heard a sudden breathing to my right, more like a grunt.... Or several. Maybe he was struggling to escape. I tried to speak but my voice came out in a croak. My throat was too dry and I'd caused myself a coughing fit.

I squinted my eyes and turned my head to the left. A tray of surgical tools and varieties of liquids. I became short of breathe, had this happened before?

I struggled and squirmed around with all my strength. As luck would have it the gurney fell over and a sharp pain sprung up my side. My eyes teared up and i winced in pain.

"Hey! They're awake!" uh-oh.... The guards.

At least three guards ran in with guns and, behind them, came the Russian man in a gray suit.

"Pick that one up and bring her to my office. Move the other to-"

A doctor came in with a chart and whispered to the man.

"A coma!? Fine!" He turned to his guards," If he's not wake within the next 24 hours dump him at the docks. The Boss doesn't need to know about this."

Everyone nodded and the doctor left. I still couldnt speak but I struggled as they picked the gurney back up and unstrapped me completely. Two broken ribs, I could feel it.

They grabbed me by my arms and stood me up and I began to scream and kick violently. The man held his hand up and the guard let me go.

"Let her walk, we'll be fine." he turned to me and smirked.

If I stayed... I wouldn't have a chance at saving Connor. I needed to stall long enough to come up with a plan to save him. After all..... He'd tried to save me.

We walked down the hall in silence and I could the smell the stench of his heavy cologne.

He began to speak.

"So tell me eh- didnt catch your name sweetheart?"

I followed behind him, my ribs aching in pain, my thoughts running wild.

"Sarah" I almost let out a loud whimper from the pain. But I'd have to get over that and quick.

"Well uh, Sarah, tell me about your relationship with Mr. Ward."

I scrunched my face... Was Connor the reason why all of this was happening...?

"Honestly, sir, I just met Connor today.. I couldn't tell you much about him bu-" I had to stop walking.. The pain was becoming unbearable and my attempt at hiding it was useless. And he knew it to.

"Having trouble walking are we? I know you had quite the accident out there. Hasn't anyone told you how dangerous motorcycles can be?" He laughed under his breath and shook his head. He was laughing at my pain.

"How about we get that fixed up and talk tomorrow night over Dinner? Hmm?" Was he... Flirting with me? The way he talked and the tone of his voice was meant to be seductive and more gentle..... An idea began to form in my head just as we reached his office.

"O-of course sir-" I winced.

"Oh no, call me Sal sweetheart."

He walked inside his office and left me waiting in the hallway, but not too soon after did doctors and nurses with a gurney come.

I didnt struggle, after the surgery would be the perfect time to rescue Connor.... They might even put me back in the same room with him..... I guess we'd wait and see.

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