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Scott stopped in his tracks and stared. A could see a slight smile on his face, and his shoulders relaxed, as if a massive weight had been relieved from him. He knew I was alive, he just needed to get rid of the zombie taking over my body. Then we could be back to normal and all this crazy stuff would end. I imagined us putting the scientist, whose name I forgot at the time, in jail. That way he wouldn't try to ruin anyone else's lives.
The zombie didn't move when it saw Scott. It stayed in the exact same spot. I tried to make it move, and it's arm twitched a little. I wasn't concentrating enough, but how could I when Scott was standing feet away from me, probably thinking the zombie me would kill him.
     The zombie almost dropped my phone, and I would have been so mad if it did, or worse, if it didn't pick it up and left it there. I would have no way of making Scott, Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin know I was still alive. I just had to figure out a way to communicate with them. I had to learn to control the zombie, and master it. After all, I was the brain, I should have been able to do whatever I wanted it to do.
     Scott came a little closer to the zombie. I wanted him to shake the zombie out of my body and the we could go home. He suddenly back away and the zombie blinked. Scott was gone. I felt alone again, but I knew he would keep coming back until he figured out a way to save me. He had to.
     Later that night, I heard a few sticks breaking and bushes moving, and I thought it was Scott coming back to save me. The zombie turned its head and I saw it was the scientist. The face of the person I hated most in the world.
     I made the zombies arm move and concentrated enough to make it point the opposite was of the scientist guy.
     The zombie ran and ran and ran. It didn't stop until the scientist had stopped trying to follow, and then the zombie ran up a tree. It slept there, and I spent another boring night wondering if I am would be stuck with this zombie.
     I had to get home, I couldn't live inside a zombie any longer.

Okay here's another pov for Mitch! Tomorrow will be Scott, and sorry about how short today's chapter is, I didn't have much time to write. Anyway, as always, thanks for reading! We just hit 90 views!!! That's crazy that people are actually reading my story! Thank you!
Boop Boop,

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