The Reunion

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"Use me as you will. Pull my strings just for a trill. And I'll know I'll be okay. Though my skies are turning gray. I will never let you fall. I'll stand up with you forever."


Third Person's POV (continued)

It had been an innocent conversation. All Minxie had been doing was talking to Ryuu, deciding that they should see the Hokage before doing anything else, and she ended up getting tackled into the ground for it.

Normally, the brunette would've flipped out if someone randomly attacked her. And that's just what she was going to do as she opened her eyes to examine the form that was laying on top of her.

She would've continued on with her rant of yelling if the person who had tackled her hadn't had very familiar, very beautiful sapphire blue eyes.

Minxie's eyes widened, and she stared at the boy who had landed on her with his gorgeous blue eyes. It was then that she realized the boy wasn't exactly a boy at all. He was her age and most likely taller than her. He had very familiar whisker-like markings on his face, and spiky blonde hair was on his head.

It took about two seconds for her to realize just who this boy was.

Before she could help it, a grin was spreading across her face, and her heat was beating faster. "Heh... We've really got a habit of meeting like this, don't we, Naruto?" Minxie said, smiling at him as she desperately tried to ignore her burning face.

Normally, Naruto would've replied, "Believe it!" or something like that, but he was too starstruck to do so. All he could manage to do was nod feebly, desperately trying to her what the goddess in front of him was saying over his accelerating heartbeat.

"As much as I've missed you, you're kinda crushing my rib cage, so if you could just get off, that would be awesome, and then I could hug you," She said, her voice sounding like an angel's.

Naruto nodded once again after grinning sheepishly, standing up off of his brunette best friend. He offered her his hand, and once she took it, he helped her up. She began dusting herself off, and that's when he got a really good chance at admiring how much she had changed.

In one word, Naruto would describe her as 'perfect.' Her chocolate brown hair had grown considerably, falling down her back in luscious ringlets. Her emerald green eyes were as beautiful as the gem, reminding him of the grass in the training fields that he had sat on with her. She had grown taller, although he was still bigger than her by a few centimeters. The purple shirt she wore exposed her shoulders and her toned stomach, her skin a pale, cream color. Her curves were more definite now, and all in all, she'd grown up to be the most beautiful girl in the entire village.

Minxie noticed Naruto's staring, but she said nothing, since she was also staring at him. There was no way the boy in front of her could be Naruto, her best friend. This boy... He was so different. Something in him had changed since she'd last seen him. Sure, he still had that spiky blonde hair, those gorgeous sapphire eyes, and that cheesy grin... But other than that, there was no way of recognizing him. His outfit had changed, for one thing, but that was expected. His features were more defined, more manly, you could say, and if you looked hard enough, you could make out the shape of toned abs under his shirt.

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