TAA Special: Gotta See, Gotta Know! Kakashi-sensei's True Face!

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"There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate."


"Hey...you wanna see it, don't 'ya?"

And there we have it, friends. The simple, seven-worded question that began what was probably the most stressful, anxiety-inducing, and completely ridiculous day of my life as a member of Team 7.

Now, before I continue on, I would just like to let it be known that I didn't ask for any of this. In fact, if we're being completely honest, the question "you wanna see it, don't ya?" is actually number three on the list of questions that I had hoped never to be asked in my lifetime.

The second being "how do you balance this equation?" because chemistry is the worst and gives me nightmares, and the first being "want to share this chocolate chip cookie?" because I have never in my life willingly shared chocolate chip cookies with anyone and would definitely not be starting today, because chocolate chip cookies are just too important to me, in case you were wondering.

You'd think someone as curious as me would play along anyway, but that wasn't the case this time. Granted, in this situation I had no idea what "it" was, but the creepy way Naruto said it made me completely positive that I didn't want to see it, or even go near it, for that matter, whatever "it" was. I mean, seriously, what was up with his voice? Why did he sound like Spongebob did when he asked, 'you like krabby patties, don't you, Squidward?' I didn't even know Naruto could make that voice, and quite frankly, it was kind of terrifying.

And even if he didn't sound like a total creep, after spending most of the day on a mission outside the village with my team, I was exhausted and in dire need of some sleep. The only thing I wanted to see right now was the back of my eyelids for the next four to six hours as I took a highly anticipated and much-needed cat-nap, pun intended.

Naruto, apparently, had no consideration for my naptime plans, because he just contined to wiggle his eyebrows impishly. "I'd say it's time."

"For what?" Sasuke asked, mirroring the completely weirded out expression on my face and Sakura's, which should've been a dead giveaway of all the nonsense that was to come, considering the fact that three of us were rarely ever on the same page about anything.

"Come on, you know what I'm talking about." Naruto clicked his tongue as if the answer should've been obvious to us, grinning and rubbing his hands together diabolically as he took a dramatic pause. "Kakashi-sensei's...Real face!"

Sakura let out a startled shriek as Naruto got super close to her face and leered at her. He was holding a flashlight that I to this day still have no idea where he got from up to his face, making him look a thousand times creepier. Her fist lashed out of its own accord and hit him on the head, knocking him to the floor in an instant.

"What's the matter with you?!" she barked, placing her hands on her hips while Naruto groaned in pain from his newfound position on the floor, the flashlight he'd once had mysteriously gone from view.

I sighed and reached my hand out, helping my blond best friend up from the floor. "Kakashi-sensei's real face?" I repeated boredly, stifling a yawn as I squinted at him. "That's what you want me to skip my nap for?"

"You know," he said thoughtfully, "there is more to life than just napping, Minx."

I gasped in an offended manner, placing a hand over my heart in shock. "You take that back, you blasphemer!"

"All right, all right! Jeez!" He put his hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying! Do you really want to sleep away the rest of the day?"

"Uh, yes, exactly, because sleep is on the list of things that are more precious to me than people, right up there with food," I replied bluntly, making him hit his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Now, if you'll excuse me, my bed is waiting for me, and I don't plan on making it wait any longer. It gets jealous, you know." I smiled at my teammates around me and waved goodbye. "Later, guys."

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