The Jinchuriki Island

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"The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do."




Oh, packing. It's supposed to be easy, right? Well, in my case it was. I mean, since Pain decided to be a diva and make my village explode, it's not like I had a lot of stuff to pack. Because of, you know, incineration and all that good stuff. But of course, packing can't be easy for me. It's almost as if the forces of nature decide to make everything hard for me. Watch, next time I try to pee, they're gonna make a rock trip me. I just know it.


Anyway, back to packing. I was doing well... For the most part. Even though I had shoved most of my stuff into a bag carelessly (which Kylie would no doubt yell at me for), I was getting things done. I wasn't sure how long I'd be gone, so I packed as much as I could.


See, Naruto and I were going to some weird island paradise for a while. Ryuu said we were going in order to work on the whole Jinchuriki thing, but I knew better. The island wasn't a cool trip. It was a protection program. The Kage had decided to hide us away on the island while they fought the war against Madara.


It totally sucked, and I wanted to object to it, but I knew it was no use. They weren't going to let me participate in the war, even if I resisted them. They'd probably even go as far as putting me in prison, and after experiencing imprisonment first hand, courtesy of Danzo, I was in no rush to do it again. Plus, I told Gaara I'd play along, even though I didn't want anyone risking their lives for me. If it came down to it, I'd jump right in. But for now, my job was to lay low.


But as most of you know, laying low is a foreign concept to me. And that is precisely why Ryuu was charged with coming to the island with us, along with Yamato-sensei, Guy-sensei, and a couple of other Konoha shinobi that I had yet to be acquainted with. It was a weird combination, but hey, why not?


What was my point again? Right, packing. Yeah, that's what I was doing. It was actually fun. I was jamming to music and dancing around the tent since everyone else decided to have plans without me, and it was all nice and quiet. I hadn't broken anything, which was a new record for me. It was smooth sailing.


But then a breeze went by, blowing the flaps of the tent open. I didn't really pay attention since I knew there wasn't a storm coming, and it wasn't like the tent was completely exposed. Its flaps were only slightly ajar, allowing the calm Konoha air to pass through.


I continued packing, humming along to the song playing on my Ipod. It was "Counting Stars" by One Republic, which was my current obsession. I was just about to close my bag when I realized that I was missing my sketchpad. I scanned the area until I remembered that I had left it on the floor.


See, earlier, I had been singing to Mitchell, and in a pitiful attempt to get me to stop, he had pushed me off my bed. I had landed on the floor, as expected, and I had no energy to move, so instead of getting up, I dragged my sketchpad down with me and began to draw.


Anyway, I was all for getting my sketchpad... Until I saw something sitting on it. And no, it wasn't either of my cats. It was a black oval that appeared unmoving.

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