Keys, Missions, and Kisses

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"There's a fine line between love and hate... But there's also the wonderful invention of erasers."


Kylie's POV

"So this is the place?" I inquired to Ebisu, Granny Chiyo's brother. He had led me to the door that supposedly led to my reward from Granny Chiyo.

"Yes," Ebisu confirmed. "If my sister called you the Gifted Child... She wanted you to enter this room. No one has been in there for centuries. The key is yours, as well is anything you find in there."

He handed me a key that looked as ancient as he did. I nodded, shooting him a grateful smile.

"Thank you," I said sincerely.

"It is I who should thank you, dear one," he objected, sounding equally sincere, "My sister's soul was set free thanks to you and your friends. This room is your well-deserved reward. Good luck, Gifted One." And with that, he walked away and disappeared down the hall.

"So, are you gonna open it, or what?" Kankuro inquired boredly from next to me.

My eye twitched at him. "I just got this insanely mysterious key, and all you care about is what's in the room?"

"Well, duh," He said. "They all called you the Gifted Child... I want to know what that means."

"You're not the only one," I murmured. "Well, here goes." I lifted the key up and placed it into the keyhole. It unlocked with a small click, and slowly, I turned the knob. The door opened, and revealed... Darkness?

Uh... Question mark?

I sighed, shaking my head. I took a few steps into the room, my eyes adjusting to what little lighting was in it. Turns out I saw perfectly. Every inch of the room was clear to me, as if it was meant specifically for me to see.

I raised an eyebrow at Kankuro when he didn't follow me. "Aren't you coming?"

"I would... But I can't," He said.

"It's called walking, Kankuro," I teased, "Just move your feet! Duh!"

"No, I'm being serious," He said seriously. "I literally can't go into the room. It's like there's some invisible wall blocking me from entering."

I walked back over to him and reached out my hand. I felt nothing, and I put my hands on my hips, tilting my head.

"Well... Looks like you'll have to wait here," I said, smirking.

"Aw, come on!" He whined.

"I'll tell you if I find anything interesting," I said, turning back around.

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