Nightmares Come To Life

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"It's like screaming... And no one can hear."


"This is so boring!" Kylie complained, banging her head against the desk.

"No, it isn't," I objected, shooting her a look. "It's fun."

"You're only saying that because whenever Gaara's in here, you guys sneak kisses behind a flipping folder!" She accused, scowling up at me.

I scoffed, a blush forming onto my face. "We do not."

"Then what were you doing behind the folder? Filing?" She asked.

"Yeah," I agreed, putting my hands on my hips, "I was... Putting papers in the folder."

"The only thing I saw you putting anywhere was your tongue, and that was inside Gaara's mouth," She said flatly.

I turned red and hit her with a folder. "Shut up!"

She laughed, standing up and getting back to work. After a while, she began looking at me, and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Okay, ew," She said, scrunching up hr nose. "Even I'm getting sick of your happiness, and I'm practically the Queen of Happiness."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, offense in my voice.

"You keep smiling to yourself like a creepy stalker!" She complained, pulling open a filing cabinet.

Before you ask why Kylie is even dealing with filing, let me explain. See, Gaara was very busy as Kazekage, and since we were around, we decided to help him organize his office. I've been in the office a lot... And it's so boring. The paper work never seemed to disappear.

Well... It wasn't boring for me. Yes, what Kylie said about Gaara and I making out behind a folder was true. But it wasn't my fault! I mean, if you're in an office with your boyfriend, and there's nothing to do besides paperwork, you wouldn't just file. You make out him as ninja as possible.

Of course, that doesn't really work when you have a friend who is a ninja in the room.

"Well, excuse me," I said, picking up a folder off of the desk, "I'm just happy."

"Don't you mean Gaara happy?" Kylie asked, smiling playfully at me.

I blushed a bit, looking down with a smile on my face. "Well, when you put it that way... Yeah," I answered.

She shook her head, a smile on her face. She picked up a few folders and walked to the cabinet on the other side of the room, her back facing me. "So have you figured out what you're going to tell Naruto? About you and Gaara, I mean."

I sighed, making a deflated balloon sound with my lips. "Not at all. I'll just have to say it easily. Gaara and I are dating," I said, putting a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

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