Awkward Situations and Rescues

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"How did you get here, under my skin? Swore that I'd never let you back in."


Ryuu's POV

"Hey! Wait up!" A shrill voice called, and I turned around to see a little girl that looked about 8 years old running up to me.

I did not have time for this. I had to find Rin, and I was on my way to figuring out where she was. Why did everyone have to interrupt me when I was actually doing something?

Still, I gritted my teeth and faced the small child. "What is it?" I asked, unable to get the coldness and annoyance out of my voice.

"You're Ryuu, right?" She asked in her high voice. I nodded, and she continued. "I've been waiting for you for hours! I need to deliver a message."

"What's the message?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. What the hell was she going on about?

"Use the letter," she said brightly, "All of the answers are in the letter!"

"The letter... You mean the one that was on my doorstep," I muttered, piecing things together in my mind. She nodded. "That letter doesn't say anything. I didn't understand it."

"That's because you're using the wrong pair of eyes, silly!" She exclaimed brightly, shaking her head. "Good luck!"

"Wait," I called, stopping her. "Who gave you that message? Is it the same person who sent me the letter?"

She shrugged. "Heck if I know. I don't even exist!"

What... What the hell? I stared at her, my eyes widening a fraction. "You... You don't exist?"

She shook her head. "Nope! I'm just another one of her puppets," she explained, "A thought come to life."

"And who is she?" I asked.

"She's not your enemy, at least," She said. "Bye now!"

And just like that, she was gone. 

I stared at the spot that she once stood, completely confused. I looked to each of my side, glancing at the passing citizens of Konoha. They smiled and laughed with each other, completely oblivious to the fact that a little girl had just vanished into thin air.

Could she really have not existed in the first place?

I shook my head, forgetting that illogical possibility. I took out the letter from my pocket, opening it. My eyes went over its many symbols, nothing registering into my brain.

Hm... She had told me the I had used the wrong pair of eyes. Could she have meant my Mind's Eye?

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