Scarlett's Philosophy

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"There is no remedy for love but to love more."


Minxie's POV

"Are you really sure you're going to take it?" I asked for the hundreth time, staring distastefully at Suigetsu with my arms crossed over my chest.

We were currently at the graves of Zabuza and Haku, and Suigetsu was going to take Zabuza's sword. I understood why he wanted it, since it was one of the famed blades of the legendary Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist, but taking it from a grave just seemed wrong to me.

"Of course I am," Suigetsu answered, pulling the blade from the dirt. "This weapon of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen has been handed down from generation to generation. It's tradition."

"But still... You're taking it from your dead sensei's grave," I pointed out.

"So?" the fish-like teen questioned, raising an eyebrow at me. "It's not like it matters to him now. He's dead."

I sighed. "It's grave-robbing. That's hardly a good thing."

"Says the girl who's traveling with Orochimaru's pupil," He said.

"I didn't plan this. I was just on a mission as a Konoha ninja," I snapped, gesturing to the headband that was around my arm. "I still have no idea why I'm here."

He shrugged. "Whatever. This sword was practically made for me," He said. He glanced at Sasuke. "So long as I have it... Not even you can touch me... Well, maybe." He slung the sword onto his back. "Besides, if you're going to have Jugo along, this sword'll come in handy."

"Jugo?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Who's Jugo?"

"You haven't told her about him yet?" Suigetsu asked, raising an eyebrow in Sasuke's direction.

"I'm forming a small team, like I said before," Sasuke answered, ignoring Suigetsu. "Jugo is one of the other ninja I had in mind."

"And when were you going to tell me about this?" I inquired, stepping forward.

"What I do is none of your concern," He shot back simply.

"It is when it applies to me!" I exclaimed. "You're dragging me around, acting like I'm some sort of tag along... I don't want to be here!"

"Then leave," He said. "I won't care."

"I wasn't planning on you doing so, anyway," I said, scowling at him.

"Talk about bitterness," Suigetsu said, interrupting our argument. "I assume there's bad blood between the two of you?"

"You have no idea," I hissed, glowering at Sasuke.

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