Tenchi Bridge

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"Oh, these times are hard. They're making us crazy; don't give up on me, baby."


Naruto, Sakura, Sai and I watched Captain Yamato, disguised as Sasori, walk onto Tenchi bridge from our position behind four large rocks.

A cloaked figure was on the other side of the bridge, and slowly, he took of his hood to reveal... Kabuto? What the hell!?

Naruto and Sakura were freaking out from next to me. None of us could believe that the Akatsuki spy was Kabuto. He seemed so loyal to Orochimaru... Was it really true?

None of us could hear what was being said on the bridge, since the wind was so strong. It, although very annoying, kept Kabuto from hearing us and blew our scent in another direction.

Suddenly, Kabuto whipped around as he stared at the bush behind him. A small rabbit popped out, looked at him, and then hopped away, retreating into the forest.

I had no idea what was happening, but suddenly, I felt a very odd sensation creep up my spine. I was suddenly afraid, and I had no idea why. My neck started burning, and I touched a hand to my curse mark, the same one Orochimaru had given me in the Forest of Death two and a half years back.

"Minxie... Is everything okay?" Sakura whispered worriedly.

"Yeah... Just my neck," I said, trying not to freak her out.

"Oh, no..." She murmured. "It's acting up?"

"What?" Naruto said, whirling his head towards us. "I thought you had it sealed!"

"I do," I said, biting my lip. "It's not supposed to do this... It's reacting to something; I just don't know what." They both opened their mouths to speak, but I interrupted them, "It doesn't matter. We're on a mission. We need to focus."

They looked at each other, unsure, but they looked back to the bridge anyway.

Kabuto held out his hand to Yamato, disguised as Sasori. Our captain pulled out his kunai, probably ready to begin the attack, but he never got the chance. A man with long black hair slithered up behind Kabuto.

A sinister era exploded onto the bridge, and the pain in my neck became even more distinct. Suddenly, I realized everything.

The man that had followed Kabuto was Orochimaru, and his presence was making my mark act up, even if it was sealed.

"No way... Orochimaru!?" Naruto said, his eyes widening.

"That must be why it's starting again..." Sakura murmured, her green eyes huge.

We couldn't hear the conversation from our position behind the rocks, but from the looks of it, things weren't ending on a positive note. Kabuto and Yamato were alongside each other, Orochimaru standing in front of them, doing that twirly thing with his tongue that made him look like a world-class pedophile.

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