It's Official... We Hate You!

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"My arms are searching for you; my arms are outstretched towards you."


It had been about 15 minutes since my team -and Sai, who I refuse to acknowledge as a member of my team- had departed from the gates of Konoha. It'd been a silent walk, consisting mostly of Naruto glaring at Sai. I had tried to get him to stop multiple times, telling him he looked gay, but he'd only flick my ear and then continue his glaring contest. Eventually, I just left him alone.

I caught Sai looking at me, and I raised an eyebrow. He only looked away from me, a smile on his lips.

I rolled my eyes. I knew that his smile was nothing but a fake.

Sai finally noticed Naruto glaring at him, and he looked at the blonde with a blank gaze. "If you keep looking at me... I will hit you," Sai stated simply.

"SAY WHAT!? I'm not scared of you, believe it!" Naruto announced, shaking a fist in the dark-haired boy's direction.

"Look, I don't have anything personal against you... I'm just trying out a certain personality type," Say explained.

"Yeah, well, you're doing a crummy job! Believe it!" the blonde countered. "We don't need someone like you on this team! We'd be perfectly fine without you!"

"Naruto, enough!" Captain Yamato interrupted. "Sai is your teammate, now. You're going to have to learn to trust each other. I know Kakashi taught you better than this."

"No! He's not one of us!" Naruto shouted. "The fifth member of this team... Is Sasuke Uchiha! All this loser will ever be... Is a Sasuke wannabe! He will never be our teammate!"

".... Fine by me," Sai replied easily, smiling his fake smile. "The last person I'd ever want to be compared to... Is some traitorous cockroach... Who left his village, his friends, and his girlfriend... Joining Orochimaru all for power, seeking things to satisfy his revenge-obsessed idiocy."

I felt a growl creep up my throat, but Naruto beat me to it. "How dare you...!" The blonde stepped forward, ready to hit Sai.

Sakura surprised us both by putting her hand out in front of Naruto, stopping him. "Look, no matter what the two of you think..." the pinkette began. "Sai, Naruto doesn't know you that well yet. He shouldn't judge you. I'm sorry. Please forgive him."

My eye twitched at her. She was just going to let it go?

Captain Yamato sighed in relief, muttering something about there being at least one level-headed person on his team.

"Fine by me," Sai said easily. Sakura smiled at him.

Then, out of nowhere, she punched him in the face, making him skid backwards and fall on his butt.

Captain Yamato stared at her, completely shocked. I, on the other hand, had never been more proud of her. I was even tempted to start cheering her on.

The Angel's Ambivalence [Naruto]Where stories live. Discover now