The Truth

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"It's never enough to say I'm sorry. It's never enough to say I care."


"Okay, okay!" I laughed, "I give, Naruto, I give! Now, get your fat butt off of me!"

"That's what I thought," Naruto said, grinning down at me and grabbing his ramen bowl from me. "You never steal my ramen. Ever."

I rolled my eyes, a smile on my face as he climbed off of me and back onto his bed. Just like I had expected, Naruto made me forget about all of my problems. Being with him was so easy, so natural. I was always smiling around him, even if things were terrible.

I had stolen his ramen bowl, since he wouldn't give me candy. He chased me around for a bit, until finally, he cornered me and sat on me. A few minutes of that, and I gave him back his food.

"Everyone thinks you're so nice," I said, scrunching up my nose. "If only they knew that you sat on me to get what you want!"

"You're an evil, ramen-stealing midget," Naruto said. "I had to take drastic measures!"

"Whatever," I said, standing up and throwing myself onto his bed. He put his ramen down on his night table, and I raised an eyebrow at him. "You okay?"

"He left again," He said, sighing, and I looked away, knowing he spoke of Sasuke. "I failed. I couldn't bring him back."

"We had a huge delay, Naruto," I pointed out. "That Akatsuki member was strong. Don't blame yourself."

"Yeah... But I just kept thinking about my promise," He said sadly. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you so stubborn?" I asked, "I already told you that I don't need you to keep that promise anymore."

"I learn from the best," He said, smiling at me. I rolled my eyes playfully, but his expression turned serious. "I saw Itachi. Before we battled that Akatsuki member in the mask."

I sat up, an eyebrow raised. "You did?"

"One of my shadow clones did," He explained. "We spoke about Sasuke... And one of his crows flew into my mouth. He said he'd shared some of his power with me, but he hoped that I would never have to use it. Then he left."

I was silent for a few moments. Itachi had appeared to Naruto? Why? And why couldn't he have appeared to me?

"What else did Itachi say?" I asked.

"He asked me a lot of questions... Like what I'd do if Sasuke attacked the village," He answered.

My eyes went wide. Itachi had known something? "What did you say?"

"I told him that I'd defend Konoha, but I'd do it without killing Sasuke," He said. He surveyed my expression. "I know. I mean, Sasuke actually attacking Konoha? Crazy, right?"

"Actually... It might not be that crazy," I said shakily.

He stared at me. "What do you mean?"

"I spent a lot of time with Sasuke, Naruto. I know what he's like. He's completely obsessed with revenge. He won't rest unless he has someone to blame. And... That thing he blames could easily be our village."

"You make it sound like you've given up on him."

I looked away. "I want to say that I haven't. But considering recent events? I'm not so sure." I sighed, laying back. "Everything's just gotten so... So... So-"

"Complicated?" Naruto finished for me. I nodded, and he sighed, laying down next to me. "I know. I wish things could just magically go back to the way they were... But I know they won't. We'll have to make things change."

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