The Kazekage's Resurrection

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 "How could this be done, by such a smiling sweet heart?"


"Well, well... This is very surprising, wouldn't you agree, Sasori, my man?" Deidara inquired, his infamous, devilish smirk on his face.

"Surprisingly, I do agree, Deidara," Sasori said in his deep voice. "Our little Minxie has switched sides yet again."

"What're you doing around these Leaf losers, hmm, Minxie?" Deidara asked.

"I always knew she was a Leaf ninja," Sasori muttered.

Their conversation would haunt me later on. I knew that. There was no way anyone who'd heard it would ever let it go. I could feel my team looking at me, but I didn't meet their eyes. I was too busy staring at Gaara's body, trying not to cry.

"Well, that answers the mystery of where our lovely little troublemaker went, un," Deidara mused. "Now, which one is the Jinchuriki host, hmm?"

A growl broke the uncomfortable silence, and I looked at Naruto. The blonde was fuming, his eyes reddened and the whiskers on his face darkened.

"You bastards... I'll kill you!" He threatened, growling monstrously.

"Well, there he is, then," Sasori noted.

"Looks like it," Deidara smirked. "Itachi really hit the mark on the description, hmm? This Jinchuriki is rather loud."

Although I was listening to what was being said, the words never reached my brain. They went in one ear and out the other. My gaze was immobile as I stared at Gaara's lifeless corpse on the floor. His eyes were closed; the rings around them dark due to his insomnia. But there was no life. He lay there, nothing but an empty body.

"Gaara!" Naruto shouted suddenly, making me freeze. "Why are you just lying there!? Get up!"

All his shouting did was bring more tears to my eyes.

"Gaara, hey! What are you, deaf!? I told you to get up!" He yelled, and the tears fell out of my eyes and down my face.

"Stop it!" I shouted, closing my eyes. "Just stop it already, Naruto!"

It was just too much. Every time Naruto spoke, it made me remember that Gaara wouldn't get up. That he couldn't get up. Because he... He was already...

"Enough, Naruto," Kakashi-sensei agreed. "You know full well..."

"They're right," Deidara said, smirking. "This precious Gaara person... Is indeed already dead, hmm?"

Another growl ripped through the air, and I turned to see Naruto. His eyes were bloodshot as tears gathered at the edge of them, and his teeth were as sharp as knives.

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