Chapter 10

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   “Your house is like so fab Brett.” Heather said giving Brett a big hug as she walked into the house.  The rest of the girls were in the back munching on snacks before the spa day.  Heather was the last girl to arrive (an hour late), but no one minded because she was well, Heather.  They walked down into her basement where 1-800-SPADAY was setting up.

   “It’s like were in Junior High all over again.” Chloe sneered.

   “Why?” Sam, an American-Indian girl with jet-black hair, asked.

   “Because who gets together and spends all day with their friends to get ready for a party? Junior high kids! This is so lame.”

    “Hey it’s a free spa day.” Colette laughed leaning back the la-z-boy chair.

    “If you don’t want to be here you can leave?” Brett added with as much venomous perk as possible.

   “I’m good.” Chloe finished rolling her eyes.

   “Then let the spa day begin!”

   The girls got mud masks, massages, pedicures, manicures, sea weed wraps, and what ever else they wanted. Unfortunately wherever groups of pampered girls were, the swapping of gossip and rumors occurred. They talked about everybody from their friends all the way to the janitors. When all the pampering was done, and each girl was in a causal new dress or jeans, they all piled into their cars and headed off to the party.

   The place where the party was being held was huge. Some rich kid’s parents weren’t home, and they were bound to have a heart attack when they came back. The lawn was littered with toilet paper and drunk kids, the pool in the back had some kind of pink bubbling liquid in it, and the entire house itself was vibrating. A couple of sexy college boys walked by and Colette almost fainted.

   “It’s a good thing I wore this dress.” She remarked.

   “Why?” One of Brett’s friends asked.

   “Because its easy to take off.” She said with a wink, and quickly walked after the college boys. Brett realized right then what kind of party this was, and she wanted to crawl back into her car and drive away. Jesse could see what Brett was thinking by her expression, quickly grabbed her arm, and dragged her in.

   “Have a little fun Brett! Jason will be here.” She sang . Jesse said she had to go meet someone, but that’d she’d be back. Brett stood alone next to the table of food, and watched the various teens sucking face. Some were completely wasted and already throwing up. How this was fun, Brett had no idea.

   “Brett Baby!” Jason said emerging from the crowd with a big hug. He planted a sloppy kiss on her cheek, because he’d obviously already been drinking. At that moment, two hormone crazy teenagers ran upstairs giggling and tripping over the clothes they were already peeling off each other.

   Jason grinned down at Brett and she almost wanted to slap him. Seeing the expression on her face, he rolled his eyes and she could see him searching the crowd for someone. Brett thought this was as good a time as any to pop the question.



   “When are we going to be official?”

   He stared at her blankly then scratched his head. “Do you want to be official?”

   “Maybe. But only if you do.”

   “I’ll think about it.” He said, then stumbled back into the crowd of dancing drinking teens. A couple of gross guys came up to her and asked her to dance, but the last thing Brett wanted to do tonight was put on a show. She was ready to go and packing her bag when Dave Johnson, one of her best friends in Junior high, showed up.

   “Brett! Is that you?” He screamed from the other side of the room.

   Brett had no idea who was calling her name, till he was right in front of her, and squishing her into a hug.

   “Yeah, it’s me!” She laughed. Dave pointed to her nose and gasped, “Why’d you change it, your nose was so hot!”

   “I didn’t know noses could be hot,” she laughed, “and I just wanted a change.” He smiled and they sat down on one of the couches and reminisced about middle school. At one point Brett couldn’t even remember why she’d wanted to leave.

   “Can I get you a drink? I’m parched.” Dave said after they finished talking about some weird girl they hated in the 6th grade.

   “Yea, but coke is just fine.”

   “One coke for the beautiful Brett Witte coming right up.”

   While Brett waited for him she adjusted her skirt a few times. These parties weren’t so bad, as long as you found someone to talk to she resolved. Dave came back with the drinks and she noticed he had a crisp clear bottle of water.

   “You don’t drink either?” She asked taking a sip of her already opened coke.

   “Nope, coach won’t let us.” He said taking a swig of his water. “Hey, let’s have a chugging contest for good times sake.”

   “Like the ones we had in 7th grade? Dude your on, but water is so much easier.”

   “I’ve got more liquid than you in here!”

   “Fine, on your mark, get set, go!” She yelled and they chugged both of their drinks down. Brett finished first and let at a loud belch, while Dave gave up and fake pouted. Brett stuck her tongue out at him, and giggled. They talked more for a few more minutes, but Brett didn’t feel good anymore. She felt like the room was swaying and figured it was because she drank the coke too fast.

   “I’ll be back.” She said and walked to the bathroom. The toilet smelt like feces and throw up, and Brett backed out of there as fast as she came in.

   “I know there are bathrooms upstairs.” Dave said coming up behind her.

   “Okay.” She managed to slur. The room was swaying from left to right as he had to drag her up the stairs, and finding an open room was almost impossible. Finally, they found one at the end of the hall, and Brett used the onsite bathroom while Dave waited outside for her. She washed her hands and almost fell to the ground.

   “I still don’t feel to good.” She told Dave.

   “Here take a nap or something and I’ll go get you some water.”

   “Okay.” Brett croaked and she crawled into the random bed and tried to sleep. By the time Dave came back the symptoms were worse and she could barely make out that it was him. She had to ask as he came in. Brett reached out for the water bottle, but found Dave right on top of her. He planted kisses all along her face and she could feel him sliding off her dress.

   “Dafe?” She muttered in her confusion, Dafe wa yuh doan?”

   “I’ve been waiting to do this since the 8th grade Brett, just shutup and enjoy.” He smiled kissing her neck.  She tried to weakly get up or scream, but he would put his hand over her mouth and force her back down.

   “I hafe a moyfrend.” She lied.

   “So, if he’s here he’s probably doing the same exact thing.”

   Brett managed to scream Jason’s name a couple times, as Dave worked on taking off both of their clothes. She knocked down a lamp as he was working on her bra and heard a noise coming from the other side of the door. Dave cursed, stopped what he was doing, and went straight for her underwear. Brett barely made out Jason’s figure coming in the door before she passed out.

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