Chapter 12

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   Jason watched her walking into the school with not a care in the world. He was still blatantly furious about the party, and felt the need to make her cry. That was mean and he knew it, but that stupid smile on her face made him all the more bitter. Jason noticed she had spotted him, and saw how her figure shrunk as she got closer and closer to him. Good, he thought to himself.

   “Good morning Jason.” She squeaked when they were finally face to face. He scowled at her, and began to walk away.

   “Wait Jason, are you mad?”

   He gave her one curt nod.


   “Why do you think?” and that was all the information he gave her before shifting his book bag up his shoulder, then swiftly walked to his next class. Brett turned to find her friends whispering some sort of secret about her, and heard Jesse pipe up in her defense.

   “Shutup Chloe, you weren’t even there, okay? Jason saved her before Dave was able to do anything.”

   “What are you guys talking about?” Brett said walking into their circle.

   “How you totally cheated on Jason and did everything you could with Dave.” Chloe snarled.

   “That is not true!”

   “How would you know you were roofied Brett?” Colette added.

   “I was what?”

   Jesse grabbed her by the arm and pulled her aside.

   “I talked to Dave.”

   “You did? That's great! So what happened?”

   “The creep totally knocked you up on drugs and took advantage of you. Roofies, are the date rape drugs. The ones that people put in drinks and knock you out with, and then you wake up and can’t remember the last nights events.”

           “Wait did he actually do stuff?” Brett asked panicked.

            “No! No, no, no, no! He said he didn’t but he was close. He didn’t even apologize about what he did, he was just pissed he didn’t get to finish the job.”

            “Well thank God, so what’s Jason so angry about?”

            “Brett, he was the one that stopped Dave from going all the way! He thinks you were cheating on him!”

            “But I wasn't!”

            “So go tell him that!”

            “Okay, okay, I will,” she said then stopped walking when she imagined Jason’s face two seconds ago. “He’s not going to believe me.”

            “Yes he will Brett, whether you realizes it or not Jason is infatuated with you.”

            “No he’s not! I asked to be official Saturday night, and he totally brushed off the idea!”

            “He was practically wasted! If he had asked you to be official last night after you were drugged, would you have ben articulate enough to say yes?”

            “No.” Brett huffed. She solemnly walked to her next class, and dreaded Jason’s reaction when she would try to tell him the truth.

            She went through most of the day feeling numb, dreading the moment when she’d have to face Jason. Brett confronted him after school by his car. She’d been waiting for him for two hours because he had to finish swim practice. Brett could tell he wasn’t excited to see her when he walked towards his car. When he was close enough to talk to, he ignored her and threw his stuff into his car.

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