Chapter 23

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Simon was glancing over his shoulder in order to back out of the parking lot, when Amaranth attached herself to his window. Startled, he slammed on the brakes, and wound down his window to talk to her.

“Hey Simon.” Amaranth breathed walking to his window to lean against it.

“Hey Amaranth.”

The girl glanced at Simon’s innocent unsuspecting face, and almost felt bad for the truth she was about to share. Almost.

“Don’t get mad at me or anything”,  she picked up a lock of his hair and twirled it around her finger, “but I believe Brett’s cheating on you.”

“You believe?”

“I know. She’s cheating on you with that idiot Jason.” Amaranth said letting the curl fall out of her hand. She drummed her fingers on his door, and waited for him to come crawling into her arms.

“Brett warned me about this, but I didn’t actually think you’d do it Amaranth. I thought you were a better friend than that.”

Amaranth paused and stared at Simon incredulously. That Barbie bimbo managed to get to him before her! What absurd lie did she make up to keep him?

“But I’m not lying Simon, she really is cheating on you."

“Stop and leave while I still have respect for you.” Simon said backing out of the parking lot once again. He waved his hand once, and pulled out into the street. Amaranth watched as his car pulled away, leaving her alone and angry. She was going to expose Brett for the fraud she was.

At school the next day, Chloe sat in her usual seat across from the school’s perfect couple. They were absolutely disgusting, cooing and make out with one another. Chloe stood up loudly, and banged her trey on the table.

“I’m going to throw away my trash.” She announced the news to try and interrupt Brett and Jason’s basic love making, but they didn’t even pause. Grumbling she walked over to the trashcan, and noticed an art nerd staring at her. Chloe flipped her hair, and tried to intimidate the freak, but she wouldn’t move. Chloe dropped her trash into the bin, and stared back harshly at the geek.

“I know how to get rid of her.” Amaranth said under her breath.

Chloe glared at the girl, but answered, “Who?

“Brett. I know you hate her as much as I do. I know how to ruin her.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I need your help to bring her down.”

“What’s in this for me?”

“Everything. Once Brett is gone, you’ll take her place. You’ll have Jason, all the popularity, her spot in the parking lot, everything Brett has will be yours. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?”

Chloe eyed the creepy freak wearily, but was to intrigued to rebuke her offer.

“So what do you need my help for?”

“If you’re in, meet me after school at Joe’s Java.” Amaranth said. Chloe gave her an inconspicuous nod, and then both girls headed to their respective lunch tables.

Brett glanced at Chloe when she came back to their lunch table. Chloe met her gaze, and smirked, and Brett didn’t like it one bit. She’d seen Chloe and Amaranth talking at the trashcans, Chloe wouldn’t talk to an art freak unless it benefitted her.

“So you want to grab a bite to eat after school?” Jason said throwing an arm over Brett. She’d pretended to be chummy with him all afternoon, but knew she was wearing herself out. Brett’s phone buzzed at the perfect moment, giving her the perfect excuse to skip lunch with the “boyfriend.”

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