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Hearing is one of the greatest gifts a human could ever have. Without it you wouldn't hear the sound of the birds chirping in the morning (even though I'm not much of a morning person), the buzzing of the bees, and the bark or meow of a dog or cat. Most importantly, you can't hear the sweet sound of music. Music will always be there for you no matter what. It will cheer you up with its happy upbeat tunes and it will comfort you if you feel depressed or sad with lyrics that relate to your problems. Music is ongoing and will never leave you like people do. When you can't hear the love of your life's sweet voice to calm you when your upset, to make funny noises to cheer you up, to be strong and stand up for you when you can't do it yourself, it's just as bad when you can't hear music. Every word that ever came out of his mouth was like beautiful music.

I could no longer hear his voice. I never even got a chance to tell him I loved him. It's not fair. It's just not fair.

I looked around. It was still the same scene. All of these teenagers crowded around us, staring at the handsome lover boy and the girl just standing there foolishly, all of them wondering why she hasn't responded. I wouldn't even know if I had said anything. I wouldn't hear it!

I could see Connor's mouth moving but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I watched his lips as he spoke some more. Being deaf was hard. You have to train your eyes to recognize which words they are saying.

I can't hear anything you're saying, I signed looking at his face a he realized what I just signed.

He just stood there, shocked.

I-I have no words to express how I feel right now, he signed with no clear expression of his feelings.

He muttered something under his breath and grabbed my arm and pulled me towards, I think, the car.

He opened the door for me and hurried over to the other side. He got in and turned the key in the ignition. I gently put my hand on his arm. He looked at me with a mixture of hurt and anger in his eyes.

Let's go to Starbucks and talk. Just calm down. Okay? I signed. His face seemed to soften and he drew in a deep breath. He seemed calm but whenever he had to stop or slow down, he'd stomp on the brakes and he clenched the wheel with such force his knuckles were white. I put my hand on his knee to let him know I was okay. I knew that was why he seemed Angry? Worried?

He pulled over to a Starbucks but didn't happily jump out of his car and race to the door like my usual Connor did. This Connor sat right there in the driver's seat, seatbelt still buckled, ready to go if I said go.

Do you want to go get something? Maybe it'll help... , I signed but he put his hand overtop of mine to signal to stop.

What's going on? He signed slowly. He looked at me intently.

I told you. I can't hear anything anyone says or sings or the sound of the keys tapping on your phone or any car horns when were on the road. Nothing, I signed, trying to suppress the feeling of crying.

His face hardened. He balled his hands into fists and leaned his head again the steering wheel. He sat like that for a minute or two before he turned back to me.

Okay, hereleased a deep breath. How about I go in and get us something?

Yeah, I signed. He needed some time to cool off. By his actions, he seemed really upset. I wonder why? It's not like he went deaf...

He shortly came back with my favorite drink. I changed it to the salted caramel mocha. Mmmmm. Sorry, off topic. We sat in the car, in silence, obviously. I finished up my drink and turned back to him.

Deaf. *Sequel to Mute.* A Connor McDonough-BYE Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now