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Saturday. It's my favorite day of the week. It's the day when you know it's officially the weekend. It's not like Friday with the exciting buzz of people happy to be off work or out of school. It's not like Sunday when people are dreading that "that bastard Monday is back again." It's simply Saturday. A day of relaxation with no worries and your break from your normal life has officially started.

Except mine. My normal life has taken over my weekend. I can no longer hear. There is a possible way for me to get my hearing back but I have to qualify. I was told I quantified but the surgery costs a lot of money. I have no freakin idea how we're supposed to pay for it. So looks like I'm staying deaf for the rest of my life.

I lay there on the couch on top of Connor, my head on his chest. His strong arms are wrapped tightly around me. I stare blankly at the TV. It's like watching a silent movie. Except this one's in colour. A part in the movie comes on and the girl makes a stupid decision to break up with the guy she loves even though she really doesn't want to. I take one of the couch pillows not in use and chuck it at the TV.

I can't ever imagine giving up the guy I love. I don't want to give him up and I never will. There are many girls waiting in line to take my place. Once I step down from the throne, I will be replaced and I don't like the thought of being replaced. It breaks my heart to think about it.

I look up and stare into those beautiful blue eyes that are all mine. He smiles his friendly smile and plays with my hair. It doesn't matter if we have a month, a year or even an hour, we are fine as long as we are together.

Sounds sappy. I know. But love does crazy things to you. I never believed any of this "I can't live without him" crap. Then I met Connor and my whole world changed. I was constantly missing him when I wasn't with him. I missed the warmth of his hugs. His bright smile that lit up the room when he laughed. His eyes that sparkle no matter what lighting hes under. I missed him.

I sat up and, I'm guessing, sighed. He did the same and rubbed my back.

I know, he signed. I know. He continued rubbing my back.

I miss the sound of your voice. Without it I'm slowly dying inside. I'm yearning to hear but know it will never be possible to ever be heard again, I signed.

And why exactly did you quit writing? He said, his smile widening, signaling he was laughing.

I never noticed all the cute things he does when he laughs. I noticed he closes his eyes making his eyelashes stand out a little more. I never noticed them because his eyes are so stunning. When he laughs really hard, he shows more of his pearly whites. I haven't just fallen in love with the idea of him. I've fallen in love with the little things. Like the way he laughs. With his eyes. His nose. His mouth. His laugh. His hair. His fingers. I've fallen in love with him. And if he wasn't in the band, I'd still love him the same. He'd still be the same goofy, funny, amazing guy.

I hesitated before answering his question. I... I actually don't know. I just, I couldn't deal with writing about the people who are in love and I wasn't. It was breaking my heart to know I'd never have the same love as them. To have a guy who truly loved me and would be faithful to me no matter what. I knew I'd probably go through one heart break with a player and I'd become the lady down the street with millions of cats, I signed. He chuckled. I could tell because he lowered his head and from my position I was in, I could see a smile on his face.

You've always been so dramatic, he signed shaking his head. He stood up and stretched for a few seconds before heading upstairs. 

What was he doing?! He never goes up stairs to use the bathroom. Unless we're in my room, which rarely ever happens when my dad is home (oh dad. He claims he has to take "safety precautions" just in case Connor wants to "try something" I'm shaking my head right now. I'm ashamed), he rarely ever uses it. We have one in the hallway by the stairs down here. What could he possibly want from up there?

Deaf. *Sequel to Mute.* A Connor McDonough-BYE Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now