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Okay. So since I decided to discontinue Deaf, I have gotten (what seems like it to me) loads if feedback about it and it all being positive. So first off thank you for all of the positive feed back. I don't know how you guys don't see the many mistakes I made to mess this entire story up, but apparently in your eyes, I either a) actually did do a good job writing or b) you guys are just being nice-which I'm pretty sure it's b. Haha so secondly, your feedback has gotten me thinking, this is a very crazy idea and had a 1/1,000,000,000,000,000 probability in this happening but if I were to start updating again, would you guys still like me to do the Disney Quote Challenge? Where I put a Disney quote from a Disney movie and maybe every once in a while a show from Disney in the chapter somewhere and whoever guesses Which movie/show the quote is from they get the next chapter dedicated to them and if they can guess the character that said it, I'll see if there's any way I can include you into the story somehow, dedicate another short chapter with your own experience with the boys, or boy of choice, or whatever you would like. It's your choice for doing extra work! And b) it may be a little early to ask this but would you guys want another one after this? Like a sequel to the sequel? Haha I honestly don't want to with the way this one is going :3 but if you guys would want one, let me know! Maybe you guys can change my mind! And this also tells me which way to go with the story. I have two ideas I've narrowed it down to one that I can end the story with this one, or end it to where it leads to another book. It's your guy's choice so please let me know by commenting or PMing me your thoughts and ideas! It'll help me a lot! Thanks you guys!


Deaf. *Sequel to Mute.* A Connor McDonough-BYE Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now