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Sweetheart, my mom signed, wiping away a tear.

She walked towards me and wrapped me in a hug, probably sniffling, although I wouldn't know. She was stroking my hair and crying. I could tell because I felt her shoulders shake.

My father, my sister, and surprisingly, my brother all stood there still shocked. My father eventually walked over to Connor to ask him some questions about how this happened. I rubbed my mom's back as I cried also.

After what seemed like forever, my dad came over and rubbed my moms back, soothingly trying to remind her of some things she needed to do. She wiped away a final tear and looked at me one last time, giving me a tight smile, before turning around to resume with he motherly duties.

I walked up to my room and laid down on my bed and cried. The tears streamed down my face, I was so mad.

I hadn't known he had come in but he did. He laid down next to me and put his arm around me comfortingly, like he was going to make everything okay. I cried harder thinking about how much this could've affected him, my mom, my dad, and my sister. The more I cried, the more energy I wasted and grew tired. Before long, I drifted off

*     *     *     *     *

As I slowly awoke and my vision adjusted, I realized he left. He's a busy guy so of course he left.

I sat up and saw, in my perepherial vision, my door swing open. behind my door was Zach.

May I come in? he signed.

When my parents found out I had Selective Mutism, my mother wanted to make sure everyone knew sign language to communicate with me when I didn't feel like talking. She made Zach learn it, too, and she knew he and I didn't talk much.

Yeah, I signed.

He walked in and sat on the bed next to me.

How are you? he asked.

How am I? How am I? I signed, a mixture of feelings arrising in me. I'm... angry. Sad. Confused.

Cue the water works. I wiped away my tears like Mom did earlier.

So, Zach started. I realize I haven't been the best brother to you.

No, you haven't, I signed wiping away another.

I've been antisocial, and I spend all of my time in my room and I barely ever spoke to you, he signed. But I'm hoping to change that.

I knew deep down, Zach was a good person and he was really nice to everyone. I was just confused. Why now?

I don't understand, I signed.

What? he asked.

You've had 18 years now to talk to me, to be my big brother. And NOW is when you choose to swoop in and be the super brother you're supposed to be? I signed. It may have been a bit harsh but he's 20 years old and he could've acted like a big brother. But theres one small problem with that. He didn't.

I realize that Sierra has always been there for you when you needed it and I figured that you liked her better and she's probably got the better advice for you than I would've. I figured she'd understand you better than I would've also, cause... you know... she's a girl. And you're a girl. But I promise, next weekend we will have 18 years of bonding time all squished into 3 days. I will be around you 24/7, he finished with a big cheesy grin.

Oh no, I started. I'm a little scared of what you have in mind.

It'll be fun, he smiled. I promise. And from here on, I will be a better big brother and more active in your life.

Thank you, I gave a weak smile.

He pulled me into a hug and for once I felt like I had 2 older siblings, not one. Like I had a brother.

My mom then walked in, interrupting our moment and just getting off the phone.

Get your shoes on. We're leaving, she signed.

Where are we going? I asked confused.

We're going back to the doctor, she replied.

*     *     *     *     *

Sierra's POV

"It wasn't supposed to happen this soon. I was talking in about 5 to 10 years. I never expected it to happen this soon," the doctor commented, staring at a poster showing a diagram of the inside of an ear.

"Is there any way we can fix her hearing? Maybe just do... something," my mother asked the doctor. 

While she and the doctor were discussing things, I sat there trying to get what I could out of Serenity.

So what happened? I signed, making her repeat it for the third time. She rolled her eyes.

I was standing there and then my hearing just, cut out, she signed. I saw tears prick at her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. I knew this was hurting her more but not just being able to hear.

That's it? It didn't even fade out? I signed. She shook her head.

My attention was now back to my mother's and the doctor's conversation. 

"...well there is a possibility for a Cochlear Implant.." the doctor trailed. 

"What's that?" I ask, making their attention now on me.

"It's a device that can help her hear again." My mouth dropped open in shock.

What's going on? Serenity signed confused.

After I got out of my breif state of shock I replied back, You might get to hear again!

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

I'm not going to make this authors note too too long but I do have somethings to say and some may not like it very much :/ First, since this chapter kind of "continued" from the last one, I will not add an outfit with this one. I will most likely start it in the next chapter :) Second, I feel like I absolutely SUCK with updating Deaf and I think I update it like every two weekends or more. I'm also stuck in a HA-UGE rut of writers block so I'm going to start doing the "I-need-this-many-reads-and-this-many-votes-and-this-many-comments-before-I-update-again" thing. Sorry if you are upset but I need some time to figure out ideas to write about. I have further into the book, just not the present :3 so this goal is... hmmm, 150 reads, 20 votes, and 15 comments ONE COMMENT PER PERSON OR ELSE IT DOESNT COUNT ((cough cough, Emily. cough)) ;$) so yeah. That should be enough before the next time I update and I should have some ideas but don't take my word on it if I don't :) okay I completely lied about making it short so I'll shut up now :e

Deaf. *Sequel to Mute.* A Connor McDonough-BYE Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now