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"Serenity!" Connor whined. "Why won't you just take a picture with me?"

I just shook my head disapprovingly.

"Trust me, you look great! And you love taking goofy pictures of yourself on my phone. There's not excuse for why you should not want to take a picture WITH me," he reasoned.

My expression softened. I gave in. He cheered, letting me know he knew he had won.

He pulled up the camera on his phone he'd been trying to use for the past 5 minutes to try to snap a picture of himself and I together. I bet he was going to update twitter since he hadn't been on it for the 5 minutes it had taken him to try to take a good picture of us.

He got the camera ready and held it out in front of the both of us so we both were included in it. I gave it my sweetest smile I could muster. I pat his arm telling him to pull up the picture for Serenity Approval. He did so. Eh, wasn't the best picture of me. but I swear it's impossible for him to take an awful picture. It's not even legitimately possible.

He posted the picture on twitter along with my username and "me and my girl <3"

Instantly, he began having responses on his photo. Gosh, I guess that's the life of a pop star. he started to put his phone away but I stopped him and took his phone. I refreshed the page and began reading some of the comments.

"Connorrr! Is this your girlyfriend? She's super pretty! You two are so cute together!"

"Oooh! We finically get to see what she looks like! She's prettier than I thought she was!"

"I love your girlfriends shirt! Where'd she get it?"

"Ewww gross. That's your girlfriend? You could've done better. At least pick a girl who's facial features are proportioned correctly."

Wait, what?

Proportioned correctly? What? What's that supposed to mean? I mean I guess my eyes are a little too far a part. And my lips aren't quite full. And my nose is a little big for my face.

Connor noticed my frown and slipped his phone out of my hands. He looked at the comment I saw and frowned.

"Serenity, don't listen to her. she's just jealous of your beauty," he responded, smiling trying to brighten the mood.

No, she's jealous that I have you and she doesn't, I signed. She's probably gathering an army that wants to track me down and kill me.

He gave me the "Are You Kidding Me?" look. "No she isn't."

Okay then explain what she meant by my facial features being "unproportioned," I signed.

"I know you're upset about this but honestly, it means nothing," Connor assured me. He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me, swaying us slowly back and forth. "Hey, I think you're amazing." He pulled me back to see his face and shot me one of his killer smiles. I think I about melted.

Suddenly, I guess he remembered something because he gasped scaring the living life out of me and becoming really excited.

"Come on!" Connor pulled me along. "I know what'll cheer you up!" He grinned childishly.

I had no choice but to be dragged behind him as he bounced down the stairs. Just let me tell you, he made me close my eyes. If he bought us a frickin house, I swear...

"Okay, sit sit!" he said excitedly, as he always is when he's presenting me with yet another thing that he's bought for me. I keep telling him to quit spending money on me but he just doesn't listen.

I do as he said and sit on the couch in front of him. He has a now aqua marine blue because he found out that was my favorite shade of blue, but I love all colours of blue. Aqua marine is just my favorite. So, recently, he's been putting all my little gift's into those boxes.

He hands me the blue box with a silky navy blue bow on the lid. I take it and open it. Inside sits tickets to tonight's 5 Seconds of Summer concert! Ohmygosh! I just love them so much!

"So do you like it?" he asks with a childish grin on his face. He knows he did good on buying me this one.

I give him a little frowny face because he asks that question for no reason. He smiles and wraps me in a hug, knowing that as my usual response to that question was a 'yes.'

"Good," he pulls his head back to look at me, and gives me a cute little peck on the nose. I can't help but smile. "Then you won't be upset when I do this."

Oh, gosh. ANOTHER surprise up his sleeve. He took the box from my hands and took the tickets out to reveal a false bottom in the box. I had "shock" written clearly across my forehead. 

He pulled out a lanyard with a plastic tag attatched to it. 

You could have seen the letters forming across my face. He didn't even have to tell me what they were. My arms instantly wrapped around him. I wanted to tell him thank you so badly, and he knew it too, but he gratefully took the hug.

I can't believe I was going to meet 5sos, let alone see them in concert. Other than Before You Exit obviously, 5sos is my favorite band in the entire world. I still can't believe I was going to be seeing them in concert tonight and hanging out with them thanks to Connor's wonderful surprise.

Wait... I was going to see them. Tonight. And I still have nothing picked out for me to wear!

I need to go find something to wear for later, l signed excitedly.

Connor smiled at the lovely work he'd done, knowing he had made me truly happy. "Okay," he responded.

I rushed up the stairs to stare at all the articles of clothing in my closet that I owned, and pretend that I have absolutely nothing to wear.

Connor soon joined me in my room and when he sat on my bed watching me for 20 minutes become more and more frazzled as I couldn't find anything to go together, he decided to do something about it.

He came up behind me, and wrapped me in one of those behind hugs and swayed us back and forth to calm me. Surprisingly, it worked.

He leaned his head down far enough to whisper in my ear whilst we were still swaying. "Don't think about it for a few minutes and just relax." I started to protest but he quickly silenced me. "Shhhh. I'll take care of it."

I didn't know what he meant by that but he's Connor so who knows what he has up his sleeve.

"In fact," he paused to grab something from behind the door, "I've already thought about this situation happening and taken care of it in advance." Cue the winning smile.

What Connor had gotten for me was an outfit he'd seen me eyeing when we went to the mall one time and I couldn't buy it then. This was all too much; I mean he's spending a fortune on me buying me the tickets, the VIP passes, and this outfit.

Now it was my turn to give him the "Are you kidding me?" look.

Really? I signed. He gave me an innocent look.

"What?" he asked.

Are you trying to spoil me? I smiled.

"Ah, so it's working," he smiled to himself, engulfing me in the big bear hug of his. I just shook my head.

I pulled away to l look him in the face. Thank you, I signed, for everything. I mean this is just...wow.

"You're oh so very welcome, my dear," he said. "It's my pleasure."

*     *     *     *     *     *     *

 A/N: Hey short authors note (or my ATTEMPT at a short authors note at least) Sorry about not updating much and the crazy "I'm discontinuing the story" and the "I'm not discontinuing the story" things. But I'm going to try to update more often! Also, the next chapter will be the concert and if I'm feeling up to it tomorrow, I'll just sit my butt down and update again! Thanks for the continuous support even though I realy don't deserve it... YOU GUYS ROCK! Stay beautiful!

Hugs and giant sausage links! :)


Deaf. *Sequel to Mute.* A Connor McDonough-BYE Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now