My Secret

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      Mark's POV

      What... just happened?! I just watched my girlfriend drink something, and then pass out. I was filled with rage (Come on Mark, don't show it). I got up and ran to Ms. Grae. I pushed her against the wall. I look at her and growled.

      "Why did you do that?!" I said trying not to "show it".

     She looked at me and smiled," I did what I had to do." Then I saw fire in her hand. Uh- oh. She launched it at me. I went flying across the room. I look over at Devon. He nods at me as a sign. I nod back. I stand up and roared. My eyes went from brown to bright golden eyes. I look at Ms. Grae, and ran at her. I picked her up and threw her into a wall. Then she got up and started to levitate of the ground. At this point I figured out what she is. She is a wicce, or better known as a witch. 

      Now, I know what it seems crazy, but just listen. Witches date back to the earliest days of man kind. Witchcraft can be seen as a magical phenomenon, a pagan worship, religion, sorcery, etc. There are many different kinds of witch craft. A few are black magic (Which is evil, like Ms. Grae), demon magic(Which again, like Ms. Grae), prayer, satanic ritual abuse, spiritualism, and just plain magic. 

     I'm guessing that you are wondering

     "How does he know all of this?"

     "How come his eyes were glowing earlier?"

     Well, I have Lycanthrope, or in other words... I am a werewolf. I don't want to even hear about Twilight or Teen Wolf. In those, there is a lot of false information. We don't have mind links, like in Twilight, and we can't heal people like in Teen Wolf (That would be cool though). We can turn if we get angry enough or on a full moon. Now in modern times, we don't run off into the woods and rip off our shirts. NO! That can be very offensive. Especially on Halloween. Seeing all those kids pretending to be werewolves. Thinking they are being funny. But it's not. But anyways, on a full moon my family and I go down into our basement and get chained up. To make sure we don't hurt anyone. Now, you can get turned two different ways. One is turned by a bite, or be born a werewolf (Like me).

     Only one person knows about my family and I (Well I guess the whole class knows now). My best friend Devon. We have been best friends since kindergarten. He found out around fifth grade. Since then, he has helped me through all of this. He would calm me down before I would hurt someone, and on full moons, he would come and chain me up and make sure I don't escape.

     Well, enough history class for one day, back to the story.

     The whole class was terrified. I can understand why. To see something you only read about in books and watch on T. V in real life. It is a scary thing. I was like that when I first found out about my family and I being werewolves. I was five or six, my parents were having an argument, while I was sitting in the living room (Why didn't I leave the room? I was terrified, I couldn't move!). Then, I look over at my father, that had claws and pointy teeth. His face looked more like a dog. But the thing that got me, his eyes... were gold. I screamed in fear. My mom and dad looked at me and realized what I just saw. My dad stormed out of the house, and he didn't come back until late at night. My mom told me everything, and how that would happen to me very soon. Two weeks later, I shifted for the first time. It was, lets say very painful. 

      Back to the story...

     "Mr. Mark Campbell. The shy kid in the corner of the room. Who won't talk to many people, is a werewolf. I would of never guessed." Ms. Grae said. 

     I growled at her,"Out of all people, you pick her. She didn't even do anything to deserve this!"

     Ms. Grae looks at me," You have no idea what her family has done." Then she opens her hand to show fire. She throws it at me (Of course she would throw another fireball at me). I fly backwards into a desk. I stand up and look at her. Then, she opens the door.

     "Take her to a safe place. Now, you won't know what she is, until a full moon. Good luck!" I run over to Abby and pick her up. I run out of the classroom. I run all over the building to find a safe place to put her. After a while of running, I found the janitors closet on the first floor (Out of all places). I open it and lay her down. I look at her. I got filled with so much rage. To see her hurt like that. Knowing Ms. Grae did this to her. I scream at the top of my lungs. I look at my hands. My claws were out. I had to calm down, before Abby woke up. Or else, she will find out everything.

     "Mark?" I turn to face the wall

     "Abby your awake!" I said nervously

     "Um, why are we in the janitors closet, and why are you looking at the wall?" 

     I realized I have to tell her everything.

    "Look, when I turn around. I will have a lot to explain." I slowly turn around. She doesn't look scared at all. I look at my hands. They are completely normal.

     "Can you tell me what happened now?" I relax a little. I tell her everything from Ms. Grae being a witch, to the full moon. But you know, I didn't tell her about me.... ANYWAYS! She stated crying.

     "We will go through this together. What ever you are." Then I pull her into a hug.

     "Um... Abby, your tears are blood." She rushes and grabs her phone. She opens the camera app. She looks at her face. It had blood streaks down her face. 

     She looks around the janitors closet,"Quick! Get me those paper towels!" I rush over to the shelf and throw them to her. She catches them with one hand. Now if you know Abby like I do, you know that she has terrible reflexes! Like, one time Skylar, Samantha, Rosie, Devon, Oscar, Abby, and I went golfing (I can't remember why). So we decided to have a competition. Who could catch the most golf balls. If you didn't catch it, it either hit you really hard, or missed you. So we all mostly caught them, or they missed us. Then it was Abby's turn to go. She didn't catch a single one and got hit with six golf balls. It was funny because one of them landed in her mouth. Turns out golf balls don't taste that good. Then we got cheeseburgers because, well cheeseburgers are delicious (And taste better than golf balls). Anyway, back to the story.

     I look at her in shock. She just shrugs it off and starts to clean her face. Once she finishes, I help her off the ground. 

     "We should go back to Ms. Grae's class" I said in a gross tone. She nods and we walk out of the closet and go down the hallway.      



Second chapter up! I probably should have mentioned that every chapter, it changes point of views between Abby and Mark. I'm hoping that you like this! How do you feel about Mark being a werewolf? Cool? I think so. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

Give me ideas for future chapters



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