Take A Chill Pill

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Abby's POV

**************CRASH*************** (Great way to start a chapter!)

     I jolt up in bed. I look around me to see I fell asleep with my laptop on the bed.

     "Abby!" My mom screamed. I ran downstairs to see my mom standing next to a broken window in the living room.

     "Someone threw a rock at the window with a note for you attached to it. Why a rock though? That's so old, and now we have to pay for a new door and window. Do you know what happened to the door?" My mom asked.

     Of course I lied,"No I was sleeping so I didn't know this happened." Then I bend down to grab the rock. I look at the note. It said...

             Dear Abby,

                            One more day...


      I knew exactly who threw the rock. It was Ms. Grae. Why would she do this?! To torment me?! To make me worry even more than I already am?! I was getting so mad. I knew I had to stay calm in front of my mom, or else I would be dead... literally.

     "Alright mom, I'm going back to sleep." I say trying to sound calm.

    "Okay sweetie, goodnight." Then I walk upstairs. I run in my room and close the door. I fall to the ground. I grab my head. It was hurting so much. I started to hear voices in my head. They were starting to get louder. Just then I heard a knock at my window. I stand up and walk very slowly towards the window. I open it to see Mark. I fell back to the ground and and crouched into a ball.

     "Come one, your weak. You can't hold it much longer."

     "YES I CAN!" I said trying not to get my mothers attention.

     Mark looked at me,"Who are you talking to?"

     "A werewolf? Ha! Kill him!" I continue to grab my head tighter. Then... I let out a loud scream (Well it was still quiet. Not trying to get my moms attention). I stood up and looked at Mark. He looked at me in shock. I started to walk closer to him, trying to corner him.

     "Abby? Please calm down." Mark said slowly backing away from me. I was trying to fight myself. I kept trying to talk myself out of hurting him. Then, I blocked out all noise, except for the sound... of his beating heart. The sound of his blood running through his veins. The beat of his heart slowly increasing. I then heard all the voices go away, except one, that said...

     "DO IT!" I lunge out at Mark. Mark put his hand out and put it on my face. His soft, warm hands calmed me down. I fell to the ground and broke out into tears (Okay, no joke, so far I have cried so many times. I am such a wimp). Mark sat down on the ground next to me. He pulled me in so I could feel his warm body against mine.

     "I... tried to..." I couldn't even finish my sentence without crying even harder.

     He looked at me,"I know. You couldn't control.. what ever or who ever was telling you to do that. What got you so angry anyway?" I point at the rock. He stood up leaving his warm presence behind. He picked up the rock and read it.

     "One day? I thought the full moon was Friday?"

     I laugh at him," Dude, it's like two o'clock in the morning. So technically, it is one more day." He rolls his eyes and chuckles. He walks over to me and kisses my forehead. Then like Jacob form Twilight, he jumps out my window (I know, Oh my god it's a Twilight reference. Kill her. But I mean, I don't care, so...) I stand up and crawl back into bed. Then, next thing I know, I hear.


I hit the alarm button on the clock (To, of course, turn it off). I hear a big smash. I open my eyes to see my alarm clock, broken, into hundreds of pieces (Well, that's just great). I climb out of bed (Which is me.. falling out of the bed.... AGAIN!). I walk down stairs to see my parents in the living room with my little brother Ethan (Now this is very strange, because in the mornings, my mom usually is home, and my dad is usually still sleeping when I get up in the morning).

     "Good morning sweetie. I made some pancakes" (This is also strange, because my mom doesn't usually cook breakfast)

     I go out to the kitchen and grab the pancakes. Then I bring them out to Ethan.

     "Thank you for the pancakes, but I'm not that hungry." I said giving him the pancakes.

     "Yay! More pancakes!" I walk back upstairs and got dressed. I put on a purple T- shirt, and jeans. With of course Tennis shoes (Or sneakers. Whatever you call them, that's what I had on my feet). I then grab my nag and go back downstairs. I say bye to my family and I walk out the door. As I was walking, I saw Skylar. I run up to her.

     "Hey Skylar." I said walking behind her. She turns around.

     "Hey Abby, have you seen the new teacher? He is such a creep."

     I look at her," Yeah, what is that guys problem?" We both started laughing, thinking of all the possibilities. We finally make it to school. We go to our lockers (Which are kind of close to each others). Just then, I had this... feeling, that I wanted to... hurt her. I shook my head trying to snap out of it. But, of course, it didn't work.

     "Abby, are you feeling okay?" Skylar asked. I just ignored her. I just wanted to... kill her. I look down at the ground trying to stop this feeling. Just then, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

     "Let me take her to the nurse." It was Mark. I kept my head down as he guided me through the crowded hallways and into the janitors closet. I fall on the ground. I start breathing very heavily.

     "Mark, it's happening again." He gets on his knees (Which now that I think about it. When you read that it seems like he is proposing to me.... not what I meant).

     He puts his hand on my back,"Just relax Abby." I look at him. I could see in his eyes, that mine were golden (Woah, eye-ception).

     I look back at the ground," I don't think I can." He stands up and stays silent for a minute.

     "I want to do an experiment." He said. I look at him confused. Then I see his claws . He kicks me into a wall. Then he starts scratching and punching me (Abuse much. I'm kidding. Please don't be offended anyone reading) Then after a few minutes of him beating on me, I blacked out.



Hey guys! Another chapter done! How do you feel about Abby's breakdown? How about Ms. Grae doing things "Old School?" I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

Give me ideas for future chapters



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