Vampire V.S Human

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Abby's POV

Well that was a very... interesting day. Thank god it is over. I walk to my locker and grab my stuff. I start putting it in my book bag, when all of a sudden, someone takes my bag. I turn around to see it was Andria.

"Why did you take my bag?" I asked her

She looked at me,"So I could steal your homework... duh!"

"Can I have my bag back?" I asked crossing my arms

She laughed,"Only if you can get it, nerd."

I smirk at her,"Fine." Then I used my fast reflexes to grab the bag and kick her ankle to bring her to the ground. Everyone stared at me.

I bent down to the ground and looked at her," Don't mess with me ever again, or else I will do worse than that." She looked at me with fear in her eyes. Then she stood up quickly and ran away. I turn back towards my locker and continued to out my books in it. I could hear everyone saying

"How did Abby do that?"

"I didn't know Abby could defend herself."

I finish putting my books in my locker and walked out of school. I started to walk home, when all of a sudden, I saw Skylar walking in front of me. I need to talk to her. Not talking to my BEST FRIEND is difficult. I jog and catch up to her.

"Skylar, wait up I want to talk." Once I got to her, she stopped walking. Then turned around and punched me in the face!

I look at her,"What was that for?!" Then she punched me again in the face. I pushed her into the woods (I could of punched her, but I don't want to hurt her). But when I pushed her, she grabbed me by the hair and pulled me with her (That's right everyone, a cat fight. COME ONE COME ALL! Five dollars a ticket! Nah, I'm just kidding). Before we knew it, we were pretty far into the woods. She was punching me for a while until and tripped over a tree branch. On her way down. she grabbed my wrist, but her hand slipped causing her to slide my ring off (Now, this wouldn't of been bad, IF IT WASN'T SUNNY OUTSIDE!). Once I saw it fell I was bending down to pick it up. Skylar stood up and pushed me.

"So what's this ring for?!" She screamed "Was it a present from MARK?! For-For you making him 'happy' in SO many ways!" She picked up the ring.

I look at her,"Skylar, please don't do anything to that ring. You wouldn't understand why it is important."

"Oh, so I wouldn't understand?! I will understand when I do this!" Then she threw the ring farther into the woods. I started to go towards where I thought I saw it go, until Skylar shoved me away. Which happened to be in the sunlight (What a coincidence...). I start to feel a burning sensation on my skin. I look to see my skin is turning red and I was getting bumps all over. I scream in pain. I immediately run out of the sun and into the shade. Skylar was staring at me. I look up to her to see fear in her eyes. I looked like a monster. I was breathing heavily, trying to not scream again. Then I realized that she just saw that. I used my speed and ran home (Luckily, nobody was home). I climbed in the window and sat in the corner of my room. I started having a panic attack. My vision was getting blurry every second. It was getting harder to breathe. I tried to reach for my phone in my pocket. I managed to grab my phone with my shaky hands. I have Mark on speed dial (He is number five). I hit the number five button and put the phone on speaker (Kind of by accident, but hey, now I don't have to hold it towards my ear).

"Hey Abby."

"M-Mark." I said breathing heavily. Before I knew it, he was climbing in the window.

He sat down next to me,"What happened?" I wanted to respond, but I couldn't.

"I could tell you what happened..." I heard a voice say. It was Skylar.

Mark didn't say anything.

"Abby and I were fighting. I punched her and stuff. Then this ring slid of her finger." I'm assuming that she held it up," Then I pushed her into the sun, and from what I could tell, she was burning from the light. She ran in the shade, I saw her with fangs and her eyes were glowing bright blue, then she ran off."

I calmed down enough to talk,"Yeah..." I could finally see again (Thank god).

"So, can someone explain what is going on?!" Skylar asked

"I'm a vampire..." I whispered.


"I'M A VAMPIRE!" I screamed looking up at her.

Mark puts his hand on my back,"Calm down Abby."

"I am calm." I say

"Not by the look of your eyes." Skylar said. "So why does Mark know about you? Why couldn't you tell me?"

I sigh,"Well, he knows because he has been helping me though this. I couldn't tell you because I can't control it yet. Literally, I attacked Rosie and almost killed her."

"Rosie knew about you before me?!"

"Well, her finding out wasn't supposed to happen. This weird mist guy had to come save her life... by making her a banchee."

Her mouth fell to the floor,"What?!"

"Since we are just throwing things out there... I'm a werewolf." Mark said. Then he closed his eyes and opened them to show his gold eyes. Skylar looked like she was about to pass out.

"Anything else I should know?" Skylar asked

"Ms. Grae is a witch, and Devon is a hell hound." I said

She looked at me,"I don't even want to know what a hell hound is. So, how long have you been like this?"

"Maybe like, a week or so." I said

"Wow." Then I finally was able to stand up again, with the help of Mark.

"Alright, I will leave you ladies alone. Call me if you need anything." I nod and hug Mark, then he jumps out the window.

"I'm so sorry Skylar. Like really sorry." I said sitting down on my bed.

She sat down next to me,"It's okay, you had your reasons." Then she reached in her pocket and pulled out my ring,"I think you will need this." She handed it to me and I put it back on.

"Thank you."

"Alright Abby, I have to head home." We both stood up and I hugged her. She grabbed her bag and walked out the door. After all of that, I have one question.... HOW DID SHE GET IN MY HOUSE?! (I locked the door I swear! SHE IS A WIZARD HARRY!)



TADA! Another chapter done!I am typing so many chapters, I have to continue to write in the book, that how far I am! But yay, Skylar is now in the gang. How do you feel about Abby and Skylar fighting?

Give me ideas for future chapters



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