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Abby's POV

Anger. All I felt was anger. Ms. Grae just... hurt my best friend. She didn't even do anything! She was just trying to help us! I look over at Skylar, then at Ms. Grae.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" I screamed in a demonic voice. I knew I had to break out of the restraints. I pull on them, but it didn't work.

"Abby, please calm down." Mark said.

I looked at him,"Calm down? CALM DOWN! She just hurt my BEST FRIEND for NO REASON!" Just then, the pain in my head got worse. I started hearing the voices again.

"It's my turn to take over!"

Just then, as if I was being possessed, I couldn't talk or control my body. I felt as if I was pushed to the back of my mind. I could see the room I was in. But I had no way of communication.

"What is going on?" I expected to get a response out of someone, but nobody did. In fact, nobody heard me at all!

"Mark... we were too late." Mr. Darwin said

Just then, I started to laugh, but it wasn't me.

"Oh yes you were."

Mark looked at me,"Abby, please calm down."

I laughed again,"Abby is gone. My name is Olivia. I will be here for awhile." Mark looked at me confused,"Oh Mark, see those 'voices' Abby was talking about? Yeah, that was me." (So I have my own person Theo? I don't want that in my life! Theo is so, twisted and mean. But now that I think about it, Theo and Olivia would probably be good friends)

Then, I look over at Skylar,"This poor child." Then she looks at Ms. Grae,"All because of you. But then again, I must thank you for bringing me into this world. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here."

Ms. Grae looks at me (Or Olivia, I really don't know at this point),"Your welcome?"

Mr. Darwin looked at her,"Your welcome? Thanks to you, we are in a room with a blood sucking monster that could possibly kill us!" Then, he closed his eyes and screamed.

"Mr. Darwin?" Mark asked

Then, I saw the skin on Mr. Darwin's hands start to turn to scales and his finger nails became claws. It slowly went up his arms and spread throughout his body. He screamed again when it got closer to his head. All of his teeth were becoming sharp and his tongue started to resemble a snakes tongue. Then, what was once Mr. Darwin, was now this snake-like beast.

"Wow Mr. Darwin, I expected a big dragon, like the ones from movies. But this is the most pathetic drgon I have ever seen. Unless you are like a werewolf of course, they have different forms." Ms. Grae said eyeing him up and down. He hissed at her. Then, Ms. Grae walked over to Skylar.

"Don't touch her!" I yelled.

She looked at me, then continued to walk towards her. She put her hand on her neck," She will wake up soon." Then she walked over to me.

"Abby, I know you can hear me in there. Listen, I have a BIG surprise for you, and it involves Ethan!" I (Or Olivia) hissed at her.

"Touch him and your dead." (If she lays a finger on Ethan, she will be dead. If she breathes on him, she is dead. If she even thinks about him, she is dead)

Then she laughed at me,"Too late!" Just then, I heard popping sounds. I felt my body starting to stand up. I was free from the chains. I look around the room for Ms. Grae, but she vanished.

"Abby, please calm down." Mark said

"I told you my name is Olivia, you mutt!" Then, we ran out of the office and out the window (Would we be the right term for this?). I felt as if my body was flying through the air. We got on the ground ran towards my house. I had to make sure Ethan was okay. I climb in the window (Like spiderman) and run down the hallway. I go into my brothers room to see him laying in his bed. To see that he was okay calmed me down. Then, I was in control again.

"He is okay..." Olivia said in a calm, sweet voice (So Olivia has a sweet side to her. I wouldn't of guessed). I go back out my window and started running back to school. Until I was stopped by a wolf. He growled at me.

"Mark?" I asked. He nodded at me. I stepped closer to him so I could give him a hug, but he stepped away.

"It's me, Abby. I managed to relax." I said. He then walked towards me and put his head down. I hugged him. He was so warm and fuzzy. I didn't want to let go. But, sadly I did. Once I did, we both ran back towards the school. He jumped into the window first and I followed behind him. Once I got in, I got tackled to the ground by Rosie and Mr. Darwin. Mr. Darwin was human again.

"Guys get off me! I'm Abby!" I said. They looked at me then got off.

"Sorry Abby, we thought you were still... Olivia." Rosie said.

I looked at her,"Was the machine turned off?"

Mr. Darwin nodded,"Yeah, they turned it off not to long after you jumped out the window."

I then looked at Mark,"Why is he still in his wolf form then?"

"He had to shift into that form to go get you." Rosie said. I stood up form the ground and looked over to see Skylar sitting at a desk.

"Well it's about time you got back." Skylar said to me. I ran up to her and hugged her.


"Ca-n't brea-the"

I let go of her,"Sorry."

"Now I know how you felt when Mark hugged you too tightly." She said. We both laughed.

"Is Ethan okay?" Skylar asked

"Yeah, he was just sleeping.



Hey guys. Remember that statement I made a few chapters ago saying "This is the shortest chapter?" Yeah? Well I take that back. THIS is the shortest chapter. I am so sorry. I got so confused writing this. I had to think of things to make sense and BLARGH! I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't what you expected. But, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Also, the Heathens video was made by my boyfriend (Again) Braniel64_! Go Subscribe to him on Youtube! His channel is Braniel64_ Productions!

Also also, this book is going to be on hold! I'm sorry but I have been stressed lately so I haven't been typing chapters. I also haven't been writing in my book as well. School just has me stressed. I have also been working on some secret projects. You will know about those soon (And by soon, I mean like, summer of 2017). So, I will be taking my time and typing and writing my book. I will most likely have this on hold until the beginning of 2017! I hope you guys understand! Thank you!

Give me ideas for future chapters


And see you guys next year!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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