That Was A Close One

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Mark's POV

"Um... Mr. Darwin. You do know know this is the girls bathroom right." I said pointing to the sign.

He looks at me and rolls his eyes,"That doesn't matter. Can you tell me what is happening to her?"

"To tell you the truth, I have no idea. Ms. Grae had her drink something and now we wont know what she is until the next full moon." I start to walk in the door when his hand stops me.

" Are you going to be able to handle her?" He says looking me in the eyes.

" I think I can." Then I flashed my eyes to show him my gold eyes. He grins and moves him hand.

" I am going back to my class. Come get me if something happens." I nod and walk into the bathroom. Once I walked in a looked to my right to see Abby sitting against the wall. I walk over and sit down next to her. We sit there in silence for a few minutes. All you could hear was the sound of the air conditioning making the room cold.

"What is happening to me?" Abby said looking at the ground. I put my arm around her to try and comfort her.

"I don't know. But I am with you and I will help you through this." Then she leans on me. We sat there in silence (again). Then I stand up and reach my hand out. She looks at me then grabs it. I help her up. Then we walk out of the bathroom.

"Okay Mark, I am going to back to class. I will see you later." Then we hug and she walks away. I start walking back to class, until I heard a noise. I turn around to see Ms. Grae standing at the end of the hallway.

"Oh Mark, I just love seeing this. It's like watching a movie. Very entertaining. I can't wait until the full moon."

I look at her,"You still never told me what she did to deserve this."

She giggles,"Oh sweetie, it wasn't her. It was her family." I growl and turn around. I start walking down the hall until I felt something hit the back of my head. I reach and touch it. It was ice. I feel my claws come out. Then I run towards her. I swing my claws, but there was nothing there. I breath heavily and finally relax. Then I walk back to class and sit down next to Devon.

"Is Abby okay?" Devon asked.

I look at him and shake my head," Whatever she is becoming, she can't control it."

He looks up from his work," Why would Ms. Grae do this to her? She didn't do anything wrong."

"I saw Ms. Grae in the hallway. She threw ice at me."

He rolled his eyes," Ugh."

"She told me that she didn't do anything, but her family did."

Devon got extremely mad (That's all I'm going to say)," So punish her family! Not her!"

"Telling you the truth, I think this is punishment for her family."

Mr. Campbelland Mr. Nguyen. Would you like to share with the class what is way more important than my class?" Ms. Cottman said.

We looked at each other

"Um, no not really."

Ms. Cottman looked at us," Well then, tell me what is a werewolf?"

I look at Devon then look back at Ms. Cottman

I get a little tense," Why?"

"We are starting our Mythology unit. So let me ask again, what is a werewolf?"

"A werewolf is a mythical creature that is known to be part man and part wolf. Legend has it that they turn into a wolf on full moons. People say that's when their blood lust is at its peek."

Ms. Cottman smirks," Very good." I sigh in relief.


Second period ends. I run out of the classroom. I go down to the gym (That's our next class). Once I get changed I run in the gym to see Abby talking to Skylar. I run over and hug Abby.

"Whoa!" She screamed as I hug her so tight. I let my happiness get over me (and my strength).

"Ma-ark! C-ca-n't Br-eathe!"

"Oh, sorry!" I finally let go. She gasps for air. But she is okay.

"Hey, Mark. Be careful when hugging my best friend!" Skylar started to walk towards me. Then Abby held her back before doing... Well I don't want to know. Then Mr. Evans blew his whistle. I look over to see Abby holding her ears. I'm guessing her hearing has been enhanced. I pull her to the side. Once Mr. Evans finished, she removed her hands.

"You okay?" I asked her. She nods and we go back with the rest of the class.

"Alright ladies! Today we are playing football! Split up into 2 teams." Once that was done I looked over to my side to see Abby is on the same team as me. We walk outside and get into position. The quarterback for the other team throws the ball. Then I look over to see Andria Jackson (the most popular girl in school). Abby goes to tackle someone when Andira body slams her to the ground (She is tough!) Mr. Evans blows the whistle. Abby just lays there for a minute. Then she gets up. I walk over to her.

"Abby?" I said tapping her shoulder. She turns her head and looks at me with the corner of her eye Her eyes were gold. Then she walks away before I could do anything. W get back into position. I see Abby looking at the ground. She was breathing heavily. I look to the side to see Skylar looking at her funny. Then looks at me. I shrug then looked away. The whistle blows and Abby charges for Andria. Right before Abby was going to body slam her, I ran and tackled Abby. Then Mr. Evans blew the whistle.

"Campbell! You are suppose to tackle the OTHER team! Not your own team mates!"

"Yes sir! But I think Abby needs to go to the nurse." Mr. Evans sighed and nodded. I pick her up and take her to the janitors closet (clearly the nurses office). I lay her down and step back. Then she starts to wake up.

"Mark?" Abby asked looking at me. Her eyes were still gold.

I relax a little. So basically, supernatural creatures eyes change colors. Depending on the color depends on what they are and what they have done. All supernatural creatures start with their eyes gold. That means their soul is still pure. If they are red, that means their soul is damaged or darkened due to either something that's has happened in the past or that they killed a person with a pure soul.

"Hey Abby." I said.

She looks around," How come every time something happens, we end up in the janitors closet?" She asked.

"It's a safe place. Abby, you almost hurt Andria. You need to stay calm. Don't do anything like that. Since we still don't know what you are, we don't know how to control it."

"You should of let me hurt her!" She said

I look at her,"I know what she does to you, but we don't know what you are yet. Once we know, then we will talk about 'payback' for her." Then, Abby nods. I help her off the ground. Then we walk back to class.



Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took SO LONG to update! I was busy with school and I went on vacation. When I was packing I forgot my book. So I couldn't write. But now I am finally back.

Also, I am at a writers block in this book, so I have some questions

1) Should Mr. Darwin become an important character?

2) Name some supernatural creatures you would like to see in the book

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and are enjoying the book in general.

Give me ideas for future chapters



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