The Hellhound

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Abby's POV

Mark pounced on Ms. Grae. (And when I say pounce, I mean like POUNCE. Like a dog would pounce on someone. Ha ha, dog joke again. I have to many dog jokes in this book already. I need help). I mean, I can't blame him. She just said his sister was worthless and didn't even know her name. But, sadly, I can't just let him kill her. Yes, she is the most twisted, evil person I know, but, it just isn't right. I stood up and walked over to the fight. I grabbed Mark and pulled him away from Ms. Grae.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He growled. Then he tried and run back to Ms. Grae but I held him back (Thank god for the strength). He turned around, grabbed me, and threw me into the door. I fell on the ground.

"Mark, please calm down! Let's just talk things out." I said. He started to walk slowly towards me. Then he gave me a twisted look.
"I'm not Mark! I am Theo!" I look over at Devon in confusion
"When he gets angry enough, his wolf takes over. His wolfs name is Theo, and he doesn't look happy!"

Then Mark, or um... Theo laughed,  "How about instead of taking my anger out on Ms. Grae, I will take it out on you." Then he started to kick and scratch me. I screamed in pain. Yes, I know I can heal, but it still hurts until it heals. Then I see a fireball hit the back of Mark's head. I look over at Ms. Grae. She shakes her head. If she didn't throw it, then who did. I look over at Rosie that was staring at Devon. I look at him to see him holding a fireball. He threw another one at Mark.

Hold up... lets just take a minute to ask this question. WHAT?! Devon? What?! What just happened? Is he a witch like Ms. Grae? Am I just dreaming? (Yeah lets just go with that the whole book is a dream. That would be a very sad ending. Well, and an obvious one). I thought Devon was just a human that knew about the supernatural. Kind of like Stiles in Teen Wolf (Yes guys, I threw in another Teen Wolf  reference. I need help). This has me wondering. Does Mark know about Devon? I mean, it wouldn't be a surprise. But still.... Okay I am just rambling. Back to the story.

Anyway, after he threw it, Mark fell to the ground. Then Devon looked at me.

"Don't just lay there! Hold him down!" Devon screamed. I nod and crawled over to Mark. I held his hands down to the ground, while Rosie ran over to hold his legs.

"GET OFF ME!" He growled

I look at him,"Mark, this isn't like you. Please just relax." He looks at me in the eyes. We just looked at each other. It was like the world was just me and him. Just then...


He threw me into a wall (Nice going..). I thought he was finally calming down. But NOPE! He growls and pushed Rosie off of him causing her to hit a desk. I was trying not to hurt him. I just wanted to do this in a nice, clam manner. But nope, he is asking for this. I stand up and run up to him with my speed. I shove him against the wall (What is with everyone shoving people into walls in this chapter? In this book in general now that I think about it?). He growls at me and I hiss at him (What, now this is a dog and cat fight? Haha, Just kidding).

"Abby, cover your ears!" Rosie yelled. I cover my ears. Then I watched her eyes turn white and a loud scream soon followed. I watched Mark fall on the ground in pain.Even I wanted to fall. Covering my ears didn't muffle the scream much. Then Rosie closed her mouth and nodded. I uncovered my ears. Then I walk over to Ms. Grae and help her off the ground.

"Get out of here!" I yell. She opens the door and runs. Then, Mark stands up and looks at me.

"Ha ha! You think I won't find her?!" He starts sniffing the air. But to keep him from following Ms. Grae's scent, I charge at him and pin him against the wall. Then Devon runs up and hits him in the head... with a chair (Doesn't he have fire balls? Why doesn't he use those?!).  Mark falls to the ground and goes unconscious. Rosie and I both look at Devon.

"Listen, I know you guys are confused right now, and that I have a lot to explain. But for right now, we need to tie him up somewhere."

I started thinking,"The janitors closet!" Devon nods. Then, Rosie, Devon, and I all grabbed a part of Mark. Then we carried him into the closet. We grab some rope and chains (That was in the closet why?) and tie him up to a pole in the closet. Then we back away from Mark and sit down on the ground.

"Um... Abby, your fangs and eyes." Rosie said. I shake my head trying to snap out of it. I'm guessing it worked because she nodded at me.

"So what did Ms. Grae do to pissed him off?" Rosie asked.

I look at her," You know that guy that we saw at the mall?"

She nodded," Well... Ms. Grae is the one that called him here. He killed his little sister Michelle, and you heard the rest."

She looked at me in shock,"Wow. That makes a lot of sense."

"Wanna know something worse? He is my cousin."

Her jaw dropped,"Really? That must suck." I nod. Then we sat there in silence for ten minutes. Then I remembered something. I had to ask Devon a question (How did I forget about what happened with Devon?).

"Devon, what are you?"

"Oh... you remember that. Well... I guess it's time you find out about me. So... that fire thing... yeah... that happened because I am a Hell hound." (Oh... My.... God... WHAT?!)

"Can you tell me what is a Hell Hound?" I scream.

"A Hell Hound is a supernatural dog. Now, unlike werewolves, we only turn if we get very, VERY angry."

"Woah!" Rosie said

Then we just sat there in silence again (And, it wasn't even that normal silence, it was that very awkward silence. That type of silence that you would rather be dead than be sitting there. God save me now). But something broke that silence. It was a cough... from Mark.



Hey guys! How do you feel about Devon being a Hell Hound. I was hinting that he was something throughout the chapters. I don't know if anyone really noticed (I'm pretty sure you did though because they were not hidden very well. They were like a slap to the face saying 'Hey! Devon is a supernatural creature!'). How do you feel about Mark's outburst? And how do you feel about Abby wanting to save Ms. Grae?

Give me ideas for future chapters



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