A New Journey Has Begun

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Mark's POV

     As soon as I heard Abby scream, something inside me made me panic. I look over at her to see her in pain. She was sweating so much, and were... bright blue? I don't know what that means yet, but all I know is that she needs help.

     "Devon!" I screamed. He looked at me and then at her. He hesitantly grabbed the gun and walked over to me. He unchained me, and I felt free. I stood up and started to walk towards her. Then, I had these... feelings. I wanted to run upstairs and out the door. But at the same time, I wanted to go and support Abby through this terrible time. I walked slower and slower, trying to make up my mind. To either stay and fight, or flee. But, before I knew it, I was at Abby's feet. I sat down on the ground next to her. I grabbed Abby's hand to try and calm her down. I look over at Devon to chain me up again. He ran over and tried me up. Then I look over to see that Abby passed out. The pain must of been to much. Then, next thing I know, the sun was rising. I look over to see my family all calm (Other than their eyes. They tend to stay like that for a while.) Devon untied all of us and let us upstairs. I shake Abby to try and wake her up. 

     "Abby... Please wake up." I continue to shake her.

     "Huh?" She said slowly opening her eyes, to show a very bright blue color. 

     At least she is okay," Hey beautiful." I said rubbing her cheek. 

    "Ugh, I feel horrible. What happened?" She asked rubbing her head.

     "Long story, but we need to talk to Devon. He knows what you are." I said standing up. I reached out my hand to help her off the ground. We walk upstairs and see my family doing their usual thing. My mom was cooking pancakes and bacon. My sister was STILL reading Love and Faith, and my dad was watching the news. When we get all the way up the stairs, everyone turns around and looks at us. Then Michelle stands up and walks over to us. She hugs Abby.

     "Congrats on making it through your first full moon!" She said

     Abby chuckled," Thanks?" 

     "Come on Abby, let's go find Devon." I said. She nods and we walk upstairs. We see Devon laying on the my bed.

     "Oh hey guys. I have been waiting for you." Devon said starting to sit up. 

     "So Devon, can you tell me what Abby is? I have never seen bright blue eyes before." I said

     He looked at me,"She is a vampire." My jaw dropped,"I know right! I didn't expect this!" 

     Abby? A vampire? She is to delicate. I don't know how we will be able to hide this, but we will try. I look over at Abby to make sure she is okay. She looked like she was about to cry. 

     I hug Abby,"Everything will be okay. Like I said, we will get through this." She hugged me back. Her little body is so... relaxing when we hug. 

     Devon began to chuckle,"Mark, she made you calm down so much that your eyes are not gold anymore... And something else definitely happened." I look down to see... (This is censored for younger viewers. Plus it should be obvious if you know what I mean). I scream and start to blush. Abby busted out laughing. 

     "What? Do you like what you see?" I said in a joking matter. At this point, Abby was laughing so hard that she was crying.

     "Oh ya, totally." Said... Devon (What?). The whole room got quiet, then started laughing even harder. At least a very quiet, sad, shocking moment, turned into a very funny one (Somehow). 

     "Hey Mark, I'm kind of hungry." Abby said looking at me. 

     I look at her,"Do you like pancakes?" 

     "Mark, you idiot. She is a VAMPIRE. She can't eat human food anymore. She has to drink blood. Haven't you ever seen Twilight? Or any vampire movie ever?" (No! Not ANOTHER Twilight  reference!). We look over to see that Michelle was standing behind us,"I already prepared." Then she pulled out a blood bag for Abby to... drink (Ew). Abby grabbed the bag. Now, I assumed that she was going to be hesitant about it, but no! She ripped that thing opened it and chugged that thing. Although, newborn vampires tend to be very hungry after they turn. 

     "Sorry about that. I don't know what came over me." Abby said

     I laugh,"It's okay. You should see me when it comes to steak."

     "Yeah, he basically swallows it hole!" Michelle said laughing.

     "Here Abby, you will need this to be able to walk in the sun light." Devon said handing Abby a ring. It was a very beautiful ring. It had a moon on it made from opal. The ring band was made from gold and had some Latin script on it. I'm a little rusty on my Latin but it said something like "Sun protector" Or something along those lines. She puts it on and a small glow comes from the ring, then fades away. 

     "I'm assuming that means it will work." Abby said," Where did you get it?" 

     Devon looked at me,"Oh, you know, just a certain someone you don't know." Then he winked. (What? I know this person? Okay then). 

     Then my parents walk in the room,"Hey, can we join the party?" They said in a joking matter. 

    "Yeah, sure come in." I said.

     My dad looks at me,"So what is she?" (Apparently, they didn't use their hearing to listen in on the conversation).

     I look at them," A vampire." My mom gets a look of sadness on her face. See, in the supernatural world, no one wants to be a vampire. It literally and metaphorically sucks (See what I did there? Cause' you know, vampires, suck blood... I will be quiet now). First off, it is very difficult to hide it, because you don't eat anything. Second, they tend to be the outcast of the supernatural world. And finally, they miss out on so much good food! They miss out on tacos, pizza, ice cream, everything! 

      My mom stands up and hugs Abby,"We will support you though all of this, and on every full moon, you can come here." (I'm guessing this means she is part of the family now?) 

     Abby gets a big smile on her face,"Thank you."

     I look at Abby,"Alright Abby, I am going to get some sleep." Then everyone nods and walks out of the room, leaving only Abby and I in the room. I lay down in the bed, as Abby stands there awkwardly. I motion with my hands as a signal to come lay down with me (Before any of you guys get any dirty minds, we are NOT doing anything). She plops down on the bed. She looks at me and smiles.

     "What?" I said looking in her beautiful eyes.

     She blushes," Nothing" I smile as I rub her cheek. Then I slowly drift off to sleep.



Hey guys! Three updates in one week? WELL, the only reason I uploaded this chapter was because Wattpad it glitching. It says this chapter was uploaded, when it really wasn't. So I was like,"I might as well post the chapter." Another thing, am I the only one the realized that the chapters like to end on sleeping? Maybe it's just an instinct or something like that. Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying my book.

Give me ideas for future chapters and characters



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