The Janitor

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Mark's POV

I lay in my bed wide awake. I couldn't sleep. Everything that happened the previous day kept my mind awake. Knowing that I let Theo out, some... thing that shouldn't even see the world. He isn't even human! He is... evil! It kept me awake all night. What felt like 10 minutes that I was laying there, happened to be seven hours. Before I knew it, my alarm went off (Great, now I have to go the whole school day without any sleep). I sigh and slowly get out of bed. I went to me dresser and grabbed blue jeans and a random T-shirt. I got dressed and walked downstairs. I go into the kitchen and grab a banana (THE BEST FRUIT EVER!). I also grab a red bull (To hopefully keep myself awake). I then grab my stuff and walk out the door. I started getting a phone call. I reached in my pocket and grabbed my phone. It was Devon.

"Hey Devon, what's up?"

"James! Mark! School! Here!" My jaw dropped (I hope you understand what he was trying to say). I bolted towards the school. Once I got close enough, I stopped running so fast. I walked into the school to see a crowd surrounded around... James. I got so mad just looking at him. HE KILLED MICHELLE! I speed walk past the huge crowd and into the Janitors closet. I close the door and fall on the ground. I was starting to hear Theo again.

'Come on! Let's kill him now! Abby isn't here to stop you!"'

"Theo, go back now! We are not killing him in front of that huge crowd."

'Then let's kill the whole school while we are at it! Problem solved!'

"No! Go away! I don't want to deal with this now!"

I hear him sigh,'Fine, but later, I will kill him!' Then as if my mind was cleared, he was gone. I look down at my hands to see my claws going away. I pull out my phone and check my eyes. Thankfully, they were back to normal. I'm surprised that happened. I am usually able to hold in my anger. But, when I looked at his face. I knowing that is the last thing Michelle saw before dying... It just caused me to snap.

After a few minutes of sitting on the floor, recollecting my thoughts, I hear the late bell. I grab my things and run to Ms. Grae's room. I walk in to see the whole class looking at me.

"Mr. Campbell, why are you late to my class? Do you have a pass?" (Ha ha, that rhymed!).

I look at her,"No." Then I walked to my desk.

Devon looks at me,"What happened?"

"I don't really know. I walked in the school and saw James. Then next thing I know, I am trying to convince Theo to not kill James... today."

"You are usually good with holding in your anger. This is a little shocking. Have you been stressed lately?" He asked.

I look at him."No, just because I have to make sure Abby is okay, I have to deal with Michelle's death, there is a hunter in the school that could kill any of us in a second, and my own teacher wants to kill me! I am TOTALLY not stressed." (Note the sarcasm).

He rolls his eyes,"TOTALLY! Look, just try and take it easy. Abby is fine, I'm fine, we are all fine. Just relax. Don't let Theo out. Don't even try and shift for awhile. If you do, there is a chance that Theo will gain full control for a long period of time."

"Your right." I said

He smirks,"I am always right!" (Wow.)

Just then we heard the intercom ring

'Attention all staff and students. As you all know, Mr. James Williams, world famous *cough* supernatural hunter is here in the school. He wants to see if there is any um... creatures here. He has invented a machine to simulate a full moon by different sound waves coming from the machine, causing them to get angry and be discovered. We have contacted all your parents for permission to come to the school tomorrow night. If you have any questions, please visit the guidance. Thank you.'

I look over at Devon," What... the heck."

He looks back at me,"I didn't even know something like that could be invented. If this works, it would be revolutionary for the hunters. They could use it every time they go hunting, making them catch people faster." (Well guys.. if this works, I'm screwed).

The rest of the day, I was thinking about tomorrow night. This will make... that thing come out. He will most likely take full control of me, and I can't stop it. Tomorrow is not going to be a good day.

The school day finishes and I walk into the Janitors closet (Again). I text everybody to come meet me at the closet. Rosie walked in first, then Devon and Abby. Then Skylar came last.

"Why are we in the janitors closet?" Skylar asked

I look at her,"We come here when we have 'issues' you could say."


I roll my eyes,"Anyways, what are we going to do about tomorrow night?"

We all looked at each other, until Abby spoke up,"We could bring your chains and stuff and tie us up in here."

"That's a good idea, but how would we get up here? Most likely they will have staff everywhere, blocking any places to go except the gym." Devon said

"We could come here an hour early, or we could bring our things to school with us and come in here when school is over." Rosie said

"That is a good idea but how-" Just then, the janitor opened the door.

We looked at him,"Um... hi?" I said

"I'm not even going to question why you guys are in my closet? I am just going to walk away now..." Then he slowly backed away, closing the door behind him. (Ha ha ha!)

I chuckle,"Anyways... That is a good idea but how-" Then the door opened again

"Um... I need my broom..."

I look at him, then turn around to see the broom, broke in half.

I slowly grab it and hand it to him,"Sorry about the broom."

He grabbed the two pieces of the broom and looked at it in shock. Then he slowly walked away. I close the door.

"Okay, like I was saying, It is a good idea but how would I bring chains into school without it being suspicious?"

"How about we will stay here, while you run home and grab the chains and stuff from your house tomorrow?" Devon said.

I nod," Alright then, it's settled." We all nod before walking out of the closet. I hear a noise behind me. I look to see the janitor opening the door again. He pulled out his mop before walking towards me.

"Can you break this too, so the school has to buy me a new mop and broom?" He asked holding it in front of me. I sigh and grab it. I brake it in half like breaking a twig. He nodded before walking away. I smirk at him, then I turn around, and walk home.



Oh no! The janitor finally found them in the closet! DUN DUN DUNNNNN! I just added that for a little humor (I hoped it made you guys laugh). What do you think about the machine James has? I really have no idea where this idea for a machine like this came from, but knowing me, it was bound to happen. I really hope you guys liked this chapter and are enjoying the book!

Also, sometimes don't you just hate people. Today is one of those days. I just want to stay in my room all day and be by myself. If only I didn't have to be at school

Comment ideas for future chapters



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