Family Tree

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Abby's POV

     James... is in my house?! Why? How? When? (Where? Who? Might as well do the five W's and H). I had to hang up the phone with Mark to "eat" dinner. We all sat down at the dining table. I sat down next to my mom (Thank god). My dad brought out the food. They all grabbed some.

     "Abby, are you not hungry?" My mom asked.

     I look at her,"Yeah, just not hungry." Then it was complete awkward silence (Help me). Then James broke the silence.

     "So Abby, I heard you have a boyfriend."

     I glare up at him,"Yeah, why do you care"

     "What's his name?" James said. All I did was look up at him, then back down. I did not want to talk to him. Then James went on to talk to my parents about Politics (Ew). Once everyone finished, James stood up.

     "Well thank you for the food, but I think that I will go now." I got so happy when he said that.

     "Why don't you stay the night?" My mom offered,"We have an extra bedroom." (PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAY NO!)

     "If you guys don't mind." (NOOOO!). I stand up and walk upstairs. I go into my room and plop down on my bed. I sigh with my face in the bed. Just then I heard a knock at the door. I look up to see my dad.

     "I need you to polite to James."

     I sigh,"Okay dad." Then he walks away (Nice conversation right there.). I grab my phone and text Mark. I tell him about the situation. He said be careful. Then we went COMPLETELY off topic and talk if a squid is just a smaller octopus or not (Our conversation actually got pretty deep). Then my mom was at the door.

     "James, your father, and I are going out for a while. I need you to watch your brother. I nod. I already knew what they were going to do. It's late at night, they are going to go hunting for supernatural creatures. This makes me wonder. When did they plan on telling me? Was I ever going to know if I didn't get pulled into this situation? Then more questions started popping up in my head. How long has my family been hunters? What about James? I decided to turn on my computer and find out for myself. I type into Google "Wells Hunters." A whole bunch of old paintings of humans killing wolf like humans and humans with sharp teeth (Werewolves and Vampires). I click a link and it takes me to a page. It said that my family has been killing supernatural creatures for eight hundred years (That's a long time). They used many things like silver bullets and... holy water? (Okay then). I click on another link and it takes me to a website about family trees. I type in my name and my parents names. Next thing I know, a whole family tree shows up. I start at the back and work my way upwards to present day. I got all the way until my aunts and uncles when I saw something. Joseph Williams married Linda Wells. They had a child named... James Williams. That makes him my cousin!! No no no no no no no! This can't be happening. I started to cry. Too much is happening. First, my teacher makes me a vampire. Then I learn my boyfriend and his whole family are werewolves. I accidentally almost kill my friend, making her a banchee, and now I am related to one of the most feared supernatural hunters in the world. This is too much. I can't take all of this in at once. I can't take it at all. I started to hear voices.

     "Just end it all"

     "You don't deserve to live"

     I scream and run downstairs. I grab a wooden steak (Because you know, vampires, wooden steak, blarg). I go back in my room and sit down on the bed. I continue to think. The bullies at school... would be gone. All of this crap... would be gone. I put the steak up to my heart. I close my eyes and a tear falls down my cheek. I was about to push it in until someone grabs it from my hands. It was Mark. He takes the steak and throws it on the floor. Then he brings me in for a hug. I start crying even louder.

     "It will all be okay Abby. There is no need to do this to yourself. Like I said, we will get through this together." I nod and pull away from him. We talk about what happened and my thoughts I was having. He told me that if I need help call him. He will be there if I need it. After about an hour or two that we were just sitting on my bed talking, he leaves. Then I had, a vision (In a way). It felt like I was almost sleeping, but I wasn't.


     I was running through the empty school hallways. Every classroom I came upon I tried to open the doors, only to find that they would be locked. It was like I was looking for something. I went downstairs and continued my search, until I hit the gym. I opened the door to see someone hiding underneath the bleachers. I get closer to see it was my closest friends. Skylar, Rosie, Samantha, Devon, Oscar, and Mark. I crawled slowly under the bleachers. The closer I got, the more fear that was on their faces. Once I got close enough, I reached out and grabbed Samantha. I pulled out from the bleachers. I drag her out onto the gym floor. Then I... drink her blood. I literally sucked the life out of her. But from some reason, it wasn't enough. I went back under only to see that they all ran away.

     "Awe, no one wants to be my friend" I said in a creepy voice. Then I walked back into the guys locker room. I walk into the bathroom to see feet on the ground. I get on the floor and grab them by the ankle. Once I pull them out, I see it was Oscar. I sink my teeth into his skin, again, sucking the life out of him. Then, something hit me upside the head.


     I shake my head to snap out of this trance like state. I hear my phone vibrating. I grab it to see Mark was calling me. I answer.


     "Abby! James got Michelle!" I dropped the phone and ran over to his house.



Hey guys. I'm sorry about this chapter. It can be a little sensitive towards some people. I wanted to put a message at the end of this to say that if you are going through rough times, this is not how you should deal with it. You have many people that love and care about you. If you need to talk, tell someone close to you about this. I will also be open if you need to talk about something. Just message me on Wattpad. I am here for you guys and I care about you.

Also, I put pictures of what the characters kind of look like. I hope you guys like them!

Give me ideas for future chapters!

Thanks and I love you


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