Chapter 3

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Lucas' PoV

It had been a week since Riley and Farkle had talked to me.  Maya was being surprisingly supportive, I'd never seen this in her before, it was nice.
After history she waited for me so that we could go for lunch.It was mashed potato today, ugh it was horrid!

M- "Apple or Orange juice?"

L- like you needed to ask, Apple please

M- "If thats what all you Texans like to drink then ok"

Again she tried to talk in her Texan drawl. She liked teasing me, I could tell, but then again I liked her teasing me.

When school had finished we went to my house as we walked I started to get really nervous. My mum sometimes tells maya things that I wish she wouldn't and its really embarrassing

Maya's PoV

I was so excited, we were going to Lucas's house. I loved his mom, Cathy, she was so down to earth and like a second mom to me, plus I always found out some secrets. Last time I learnt that he had a nick name for me, other than a short stack of pancakes, apparently I'm his 'blonde beauty', just the name gives me a funny feeling, one I've never felt before.

It wasn't a long walk, so after 5 minutes talking about life we reached his door. Cathy must have been expecting us because before we had a chance to knock, the door flung open.

C- "Hello Maya, how are you today?"

L- "I'm good thanks for asking mom!"

He always got annoyed when his mom ignored him me so he was always like this with Cathy, he was jealous of how close his mom and I was. After a while we went upstairs to finish a chemistry assignment, I wasn't the best at chemistry because I never listened in class, the teacher Ms Vaull was so dull. Riley would usually help me but because I was with Lucas so much she seemed to stay with Farkle and Zay. I knew Lucas was good and chemistry and we did sit next to each other in the lesson so he would do.

Lucas's PoV

L- "So, question one, Why are hydrogen and potassium attracted to each other even though their properties are very different"

Maya just looked at me in silence, I didn't know what to say.

M- "I'm not too sure about this question"

L- "Well didn't we learn that opposites attract"

I quite quickly replied, not wanting to make this any more awkward. I think Maya was thinking less about he science part and more into our relationship.

M- "Well isn't it a good job our little huckleberry listens in class"

We continued with the rest of work until my mom called us down for dinner.

Maya's PoV

Down we went for dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about how weirdly Lucas reacted about that chemistry question, I mean I didn't  know how to react either but he's usually much more cool in circumstances like this.

Mac and cheese, my favourite, Cathy's was the best, but like Riley, Lucas put ketchup on his. I just don't understand, it's disgusting! Sometimes them two seemed so similar, I felt I was just left with Farkle, but this feud had showed me that maybe their relationship was in danger, and I knew I had to be there for him.

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