Chapter 18

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Maya's POV

I ran to the place I knew best, I'd go here when I was little with my mom and dad, even after my dad left I'd come here. It was just outside of the busy streets of New York, a quiet park  where you could go on a walk. There were trees for shelter and a drinking fountain to keep me hydrated, I could probably live here for as long as I needed. I had no intention of going back just yet, if they wanted me back they'd have to come and find me.

I sat down on one of the benches and put my earphones in, My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion started playing, not a love song I didn't want a love song, then I Will Always Love You played, no Whitney, I want to take my mind off feelings and life, this was just making everything worse. I ripped my earphones out and looked around, people looked so happy, why wasn't I feeling this happy?

I felt someone tap on my shoulder so I turned around, I was hoping to see Lucas and hear him apologising to me for all he did, but it wasn't him. It was Josh. Josh was Riley's uncle who I had a crush on for as long as I could remember, I lost all feelings for him when I got involved with Lucas.

J- "Shouldn't you be at school"

M- "I don't go there anymore"

J- "Really? When did you drop out?"

M- "Why should I tell you, you never cared for me?"

J- "What do you mean?"

M- "I had a hopeless crush on you for years and the most you'd ever say to me was hi, so I doubt you'd listen to a word I say"

Josh didn't say anything, he just looked at me. After a minute of an awkward silence he started to walk away, why was he being so confusing?

M- "Stop! Don't leave me on my own"

J-  "Then talk to me, I'll be hear to listen"

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