Chapter 11

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Maya's PoV.

It had been a month since our confrontation with Riarkle. Zay still smiled at us in the halls but he'd become friends with Isadora Smackle, she was the schools nerd, even though she was so different to him they were cute together. Me and Lucas hadn't changed much, we were still best friends as we grew closer and closer each day.

I'm pretty sure most people thought we were a couple, I mean we acted like one but as much as we wanted to be together I wasn't ready for the pressure. I remember what Topanga told Riley and I when Rucas was a thing, "The right pressure can create a diamond, the wrong pressure can turn to dust."  Without him I'd be on my own, Riley clearly wasn't going to be my friend at the moment.

Over the few weeks Riley had gained lots of popularity, maybe I wasn't stopping her from making all the friends she gained when we were friends. Anyway her and farkle now sat with Billy and Missy's squad. Why she wanted to be friends with them I didn't know but she seemed happy.

I was on my way to Lucas's house with him after school, we still went round to his house every night. This time we were going to the cinema after dinner, we didn't do this often because I always just wanted to stay in and watch Disney films but Lucas said there was something he wanted to see, I didn't really care though because the cinema was always fun. We'd either sit there cuddling, not in a romantic way, JUST AS FRIENDS, or we'd try and guess what would happen next in the movie, Farkle must have influenced us when we were friend with him.

At the cinema Lucas chose a scary movie, I wasn't that scared I'd just hide my face in Lucas's sweater if there were any really frightening parts. As it started there was a sudden jump scare, I hated those.

L- "You ok? I can feel you shaking"

M- "Yeah, I'm fine, just one jump scare, it's not like I'm going to dies or anything"

L- "If you say so, if you get too scared we don't have to watch it"

M- "No, I want to watch it, I'll be fine"

Lucas's POV

We went back to watching the movie, I knew she wasn't enjoying it and just watching it for me. I looked over at her to see she wasn't as scared anymore, suddenly a clown appeared on the screen, she hated clowns, this wasn't going to go well.

M- "CLOWN, oh my god it's going to kill us"

L- "Maya, no it's okay, do you want to go home"

M-"Yes please"

I took her hand and we walked out, with all the killer clown news going around everyone in school was terrified including Maya.  The whole way back to my house she kept close to me. Maybe taking her to a horror film near Halloween wasn't the best idea.

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