The Girl

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The air flows down my back, sending a bone-rattling chill coursing through my spine. The shawl is pulled tighter against my quivering arms. I turn over a corner, only a few blocks from my cozy apartment. The lighting is scarce, the only source of illumination a soft glow ten stories up a complex. 

An elderly woman peers at me through the window, creeping me out. Naturally, I begin to speed up, the eeriness of the night building up in my thoughts. 

My heels send out an echoing click, breaking the dead silence of the abandoned street. The woman slides her cloth curtains closed, and a little bit of relief is given to me. 

Once again, I turn past a corner. There is a small group of people, mumbling quietly by a bench, and a businessman waving down a cab. Usually, walking home in the familiarity of this city would be comforting. 

However, tonight, there a peculiar absence of the familiar New York hustle. This honestly terrifies me, especially on a clouded, cold night. The group of people glare at me, looking slightly perplexed. 

I pull the shawl over my goose bump covered shoulders once again, the air getting colder by the second. It's been such a long day, I long for the utter creepiness of my surroundings would stop. 

The off-putting feeling is suddenly thrown aside as a flurry of paws an barking erupts from behind me. I almost trip over the swishing tails of rabid dogs and cats that bound down the street. What could they possibly be running from, so frantically? 

Figuring it would be best to ignore the strange behavior, I scurry farther away. After moving past the few people on the street, a young girl comes into view. Her jet black hair hangs loosely over her face as her body is filled with sobs. The locks are terribly messy, and her screams are now the only noise my ears can comprehend. 

The blood on her clothing seals my thoughts. 

"Darling, Are you okay?" My voice is barely a mumble compared to her deafening cries. 

She wails cease, her small head falling to the side. 

"She's gonna get you." Her voice coos, as the girl begins rocking back and forth on her knees. 

"W-who? What's wrong?" I stutter, looking around frantically. 

She giggles, not innocently, maniacally. I watch in horror as she rises on broken, crippled legs. Bits of bone jab through her skin, blood pouring from the wounds. 

"Who is going to get me?" I shout, my body paralyzed in fear. 

Her heads turns around. All the way. A blood curdling scream finds it's way from my trembling lips. Her black pits of eyes stare into me and her razor-sharp teeth are exposed from a bloody smile. 


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