25k reads!(and The Voices)

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Thank you guys so much! It has been a long journey, and who would've thought that these stories written by a 12/13 year old would be so entertaining to so many people! Thank you to everybody for reading! As a thank you, here is an extra long scary story, enjoy!


I sit in the rocking chair, holding my head. This day has been so terrible, I can't think of anything worse to happen. Perhaps, the most terrible day in my life. No, definitely the most terrible day of my life.

On my way to work, my car broke down... again. This time, it was not repairable. So, I left it to the auto store for parts, and walked to a coffee shop, knowing I was going to be late anyways.

As soon as I walked in, I hear a scream and the fire alarm goes off. The kitchen was on fire. Well, no coffee for me. I ran in to help a few people out from near the kitchen, resulting in a fairly large sized burn on my arm, but at that point I didn't care.

So, when the fire department came, they cleaned it up, which hurt like a bitch, but I managed. They wrapped it up, and I was on my way.

I call an Uber to get to work, who ends up crashing into a pole, lucky me. In the process, my phone gets shattered, so no calling work to tell them I'm late.

I end up dropping off my phone at a store who says they will be done in a few days, and to come in at opening time. Okay, some thing not so bad.

I finally get another Uber, and make it to work... 2 hours late. I get to my office, and sit down, exhausted from the morning. I start to work silently, waiting for my boss to make his rounds and check on us.

So she comes around, and gives me a pitiful look. "You look like you had a rough morning." I slump down in my seat,"Don't even get me started."

She gives me an even worse look,"Look... um.. well. Sam... I have to fire you. Not my choice." I jump up,"WHAT!"

She calms me down, saying that because I was late again (the other times because of my car stalling) that it was the only reason the highest up had to give the job to his daughter in law. Great.

I put my stuff in a box, and get another Uber, 3rd today, to take me home. Thats the worst it can get, right?


When I get home, one of my new cats laying motionless on the carpet. Well shit.

I am not so incredibly sad, mainly because I only had her a few weeks, we haven't bonded much. I also still have her two siblings.

I lay down on my bed, steady tears streaming down my face. Nothing worse can happen. Nothing worse can happen. So I thought.

When I get up to go eat. I hear the door open. Maybe it's my boyfriend.

I run to the front door, and it was my boyfriend alright. Making out with another girl, who is down to her undergarments and a skirt.

I screamed, and pulled her to the floor by her hair. She yelled and cried. "What the hell John?!?" I yelled, smacking him hard against the face.

The girl ran out, screaming. "I... I um. What was I supposed to do? You are never home, we haven't had fun in a month!" He yelled.

I gave him the cruelest look I have ever made. "Never home? How about you get off your ass and get a job so I am not doing all the work in this relationship!?"

He hesitated, "I'm done with this shit. The women are supposed to do all the work. Don't you know!? I just never said it out loud."

I roll my eyes. "Get out." He goes to grab his things. I punch him in the stomach and kick him into the hall. "What about my stuff you bitch!" He yells through the door. I open it, flip him off, and lock the door behind me.

So now I am here. Looking insane as I rock back and forth. I don't know what it is, but I keep hearing something. A voice? Maybe. But then I really would be insane.

I stand up, stretching. "Hello." It whispers. I ignore it, probably just my mind. One of the girl kittens, Lilly, rubs against my leg.

I pick her up and hold her to my chest,"Kittens make everything better." She meows and purrs.

"It is your fault." Something whispers. "Shut up!" I yell. I know it has to be someone playing some kind of joke on me.

I go to the kitchen and grab a bag of chips, some thing I can relax with.

I lay down. The longer I stay, the more I hear. "It's on you." "It's your fault."
The voices won't stop.

I stand up, getting dizzy. I don't know what happened, the voices just started filling my head. I grab the side of my couch to steady.

"STOP!" I scream. They get louder. Now shadows accompany the voices. I make my way to the bedroom. Avoiding all the little things I catch from the side of my eye.

I cover myself in a blanket, and grasp my head. I see the figured creeping closer to me. I hold my arms out, and suddenly, it all freezes.

One dark figures steps forward. "Hello." It tilts it's head." I stare into the pits of eyes. "Hello."

Its full form steps into the light. If I wasn't rational I would call him... Satan.

"Are you ready." He asks. I wrap myself up,"No." I knew this day was coming. If my mother hadn't made a deal with the devil to have me this wouldn't be happening.

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