Mental disorders awareness

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We drove to escape the fire nipping our heels. Drove to escape the monsters, real, or in our minds. We drove to get away from the reality of our world. And drove to be saved from the devil himself. But no matter what, we always ended up in the same place, with everyone's glowing, judgemental eyes staring us down. Until we can't take it anymore, and end the pain ourselves.

Social Anxiety
Everywhere I went, they threw terrible words at me. There awful grimaces and glaring eyes staring me down. I cowered away, never wanted to see them. Too afraid to move with the fear that whoever I may ask for help, has the horror within.

Capgras Syndrome

She cooked me breakfast, made my bed, bought me toys. But I was positive she wasn't who she said she was. My so called mother had changed, someone had taken her and replaced her with a monster. Set on hurting me.

Dissociative Identity disorder

I thought I always had a normal life. Happy wife, kids, family. One day, I felt I had missing time. One second it was noon, in a blink of an eye is what 6. My wife was cowering on the floor, covered in cuts and bruises.

"You, you are not my husband." She stutters. I put my hand on her face, but she winces away. "It's like you are a different person!" She screams, throwing a book at me.

"Did someone do something to you?" I question. She shakily walks upstairs and locks herself in our bedroom. Confused, I pull out the footage from the security cameras.

In the living room, I see myself standing and looking at the clock. It a split second twitch, I grab my wife by her hair, and start hitting her with a book. But that was not me.


I lay, my eyes burning as I struggle to close my eyes, even for a second. Because if I do, I know they will all come for me.

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