The New Neighbor

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Alanna slips the fleece jacket over her shoulder, stepping into the cool, crisp air. Her hand contains a warm container of cookies, which are held close to her chest. Her boots crunch over the fresh snow. 

The old house beside her own has finally gotten an owner, so Alanna thought it might be nice to introduce herself. She made sugar cookies and snicker doodles, having heard the wife has a sweet tooth. Who doesn't like a few sweets during the holidays? 

She has seen a few school-aged children when they were bringing boxes into the house only a few days before, and guessed that they might enjoy them too. She steps up to the bright red door, and knocks twice, admiring the intricate brass door knocker as she does so. 

An mid-aged woman, maybe early forties, answers the door. Her apron is sprinkled with flour and a dark red substance, and her smile is warm and welcoming. 

"Hello, I'm Alanna, your new neighbor! I've just come to introduce myself, and I brought same cookies for you." She greets, sounding enthusiastic. 

"Well, thank you very much dear! I'm Karen. Why don't you come in? I've got some fresh hot chocolate waiting in the kitchen, if you'd like? She asks. Her voice is so caring and compassionate, Alanna just can't refuse. 

"That sounds lovely." She accepts, and steps inside. She wipes off as much snow from he boots a she can, before setting them by the front door, next to the other pairs of shoes. 

"Jimmy, Natalie, Johnny? Come on down and meet the new neighbor!" Karen calls up the lengthy stairs, as they approach a small sitting area. 

The Grinch is playing on the small television, the volume low. The room is very festive, filled with decorations. A little Christmas tree is set up in a corner, covered in tinsel and ornaments. Shining garland is hung across the tops of the walls, and a few little knick knacks are hung underneath.

Three young children parade into the room, giggling. The little girl has a red ribbon holding up her soft blonde hair, and a delicate face. 

"Hi Miss! I'm Natalie!" She introduces herself, shaking Alanna's hand. 

She smiles, "I'm Alanna, nice to meet you. And, who might you two be?" Alanna turns to face the boys. 

"I'm Jimmy." The first one responds, "And I'm Johnny!" says the other. 

"They're twins." Natalie adds on. 

That much was obvious, both having the same dark brown hair and celery green eyes. Jimmy has a bright greens shirt, and Johnny has a deep red shirt. 

"Well, it's wonderful to meet you all. I have some cookies, if you like!" Alanna answers back. 

Natalie's eyes light up, and she takes the container of warm cookies from Alanna's arms. She skips over to the kitchen, looking ecstatic. 

"I hope you like extra whipped cream, because that's the best way to make it!" Karen sings, bringing in a tray of hot chocolate. 

"That looks absolutely delicious." Alanna compliments, noticing how impossibly perfect this family is.  

"Come on boys, let's go get some of those cookies to go with our cocoa." Karen says, herding the boys into the kitchen. 

Alanna grins, watching the boys walk with their mother. Alanna sets her drink down, and glances down the hall in search of a restroom. 

Her breath hitches, as her eyes graze across a red splatter splayed onto the back wall. She bites her lip, hoping for the best. 

"Is something...wrong, dear?" Karen asks, appearing suddenly. 

"N-no, I was just waiting for the hot cocoa to cool!" Her voice is evidently frantic, and she picks up the heated cup. 

The little kids come bounding back into the room, sitting on the couch across from Alanna. They quietly munch on the cookies, smiling joyously. The image still itches as the back of her mind. 

"Do you perhaps have a restroom I could use?" She asks, standing. 

"Of course, follow me." Karen answers. 

She leads Alanna down that dreadful hall, directly past a room with a dead body sprawled on the floor. 

Suddenly, a searing pain tears through Alanna's back, sending her crumpling to the floor. 

"Thanks for the cookies!" Karen laughs hysterically, stepping over the limp body of her new neighbor. 

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