Depressed or Evil?

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"A scary deep monster hidden inside a glowing gem. A gloomy power influencing anyone vulnerable." She recites it, knowing every line of the poem.

"Ok Cassie. What would you like to talk about today?" Her therapist looks at her intently.

"Distractions." She fiddles with her fingers, trying to ignore the racing thoughts, regret, pain, sadness, rushing through her brain.

"Have you tried reading your favorite book?"
"How about sleeping?"
"Every Day."
"Maybe watching TV?"
"Tried it."
"Well can you come up with any distractions yourself."
"Getting rid of myself."

The therapist frowns, her eyebrows furrowing.
"It's true."
"We have discussed this!" She yells.

"IT IS NOT MY FAULT I WAS BORN THIS WAY!" She screams, slapping the woman across the face.



"Tell me what it is."

"The monster. It won't let me leave."

Cassie's head shoots to the side, almost like someone pushed her.

"Are you ok?" The therapist pushes up her large glasses.

Cassie shakes her head.

This is what it was. The monster inside of her, that told her to put on a brave face.

She grabs her hand, pleading,"Help, help get it away."

Her eyes fill with tears, as it happens. She is shot back into a dark room, with the shadowy figure looking at her.
"Now now, don't go telling her you are in trouble, that wouldn't be smart now would it?" It runs it's long gnarly finger under her chin.

"No..." She cries. That's what happened, every day. Cassie was controlled by the demon known as...depression.

Less scary, more real. My friend Jill asked me what I could come up with for a story of depression, feedback appreciated!

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