40k reads!!!!!! (And a surprise story!)

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Oh. My. God. How in the heck do I have 40,000 reads?????? I see myself as a 14 year old who writes books for fun, and now I have thousands of readers and people freak out if I comment on their comments. How in the world did this happen??? Thank you all so much, this is absolutely incredible! Here is a story to celebrate:

The Story


Hahahahaha totally got you! I'm so scary! Now, for the real story,

Paranoia was getting to me. Every flicker of reflecting dew, every crunch of a leaf beneath my feet.

There is something behind that rock.

No. No. No. There is not, stay on track. Walk. Step over the branch. Walk. Keep moving. 

Don't let your imagination get to you. Walk. I grab my shuddering arms, the cold air making me want to jump into a fire. Every step is calculated with mass precision, dodge each branch, each patch of fungi, don't hurt any animals. 

I jerk my head around at the sound of breathing. It's your imagination.

No it's not. Get out of here, don't look back. I have been here for what seems like weeks, I will get out one way or another.

I hear a frantic movement in front of me, and halt. A tiny rabbit jumps out and runs past me. I laugh, of course a tiny thing like that scared me. A laugh is a simple thing that drags my mind away from these awful feelings. 

My legs are aching, an almost unbearable pain. My feet throb, tired from the days of walking. Was this a never-ending journey?

I see a humongous flickering light ahead of me. Curiosity killed they cat, but who says it'll kill me? I creep silently in between trees, careful to not step on dead leaves and underbrush. What I see terrifies me, but I can't help but want to go over to it. 

What looks like a fiery gate is in the middle of a clearing, and in front stands a man. No, not a man, a demon. His head is adorned with towering horns, and his face is gruesomely smeared with what I presume is blood. 

I don't know what it is, the fact that there might be something to help me, or if something pulls me, but I walk up to the creature. His inky black eyes follow me as I walk, his smile of razor sharp teeth growing for every step I come closer. 

What are you doing? You are going to get yourself killed! 

I push the thoughts away, and stutter out, "H-Hello?"

His eyes widen, and his mouth parts to speak, revealing a pointed tongue,"Well Hello Lilly, I've been expecting you." 

My heart is thumping, unable to slow down. "W-What do you mean?" 

"You have been lost for so long, I am here to say, Welcome to Hell!" His figure grows into a snarling beast, and all I can do is scream. 

I am pulled through the fiery gate, and slammed against a pile of rocks. I feel pain, only pain, it is the only feeling I get. The beast flies to me on elongated red wings, and comes to my face. 

His fingernails dig into my skin as he grabs my face, and spits, "You deserve what you are getting, you will pay!" 


Torture and pain. I much would've prefered being lost in the woods for all eternity than to be stuck here with the constant brutal abuse. 

Ok I know more gore and suspense than scary, but I am running on 0 since I have already written 60-some chapters of stories! I hope you atleast enjoy, and again, thank you all so much!

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